Monday, December 8, 2014

My Werewolf

Cats are one step away from terrifying jungle predators. Well, maybe half a dozen steps. As evidence of this, I submit these pictures of Renn. Does this creature not resemble some kind of lyncanthropic monster brought low by the silver bullets of the peasants just in time? Look at the teeth; look at the eyes. A crazed killing machine!

And you should have heard him whine like a little weenie baby when I had to move him afterward. Blood-curdling!


  1. Ha! Thanks for the good laugh! Love the pics, and yes, he does indeed look rather werewolf...werecat like. :-)

  2. Oh Renn looks so sweet upon his back legs in the air. Does he allow tummy rubs?

    1. He does, but prefers chest-rubs. I think he considers them more mancatly.

  3. Renn, if I saw you in a dark alley way I would run the other direction. But not before giving you a big tummy rub. From, Eileen and Jessica

    1. His ferocity is all in his looks; and even then you have to catch him at moments like this. He'd appreciate the tummy rub, though.

  4. LOL. Just imagine if our cats had cameras and could take photos of us sleeping or upon awakening. Goodness! Wouldn't we be a sight. Renn looks like a very handsome boy who's just been disturbed by an impromptu photo session.

  5. Oh, sorry, all that floof distracted me hehehehe!

  6. Oh Renn, you do look like some kind of funny monster. That must be some kind of a good nap. Love the pictures. You all have a great day.

  7. Oh yes, they do allow the most amazing photos! Thanks for stopping by with your sympathy for our Beau Beau. It is really appreciated.
    Purrs, Angie and mom Brenda
