Wednesday, April 19, 2023

I Hope It's Not One of Those Mornings...

…because one of those mornings implies that there are more like it.

I woke up at 3.30 a.m. to the sounds of Renn about to wretch. This happens from time to time: mornings are a time when cats suffering kidney issues tend to throw up. Also, my big boy is prone to hairballs, which he usually discharges without difficulty. That was the case this morning. It is usually little trouble. Renn gives me fair warning, and I can almost always reach one of my shallow boxes - kept in every room for the purpose - and push it under his nose before he throws up.

I walked to the front door to put the soiled box there for disposal later, congratulating myself on catching the hairball before it landed on the bed, and noting that there was still more than an hour to go until I had to get up. I could go back to sleep. That’s when I realised that Renn’s hairball was the lesser of my problems.

Neville has been having very liquidy poop lately. I am not sure the cause, though I suspect it might be the new feeding arrangements. While he has eaten the Acana before, he is probably eating more of it now, and it could be having a disadvantageous effect on his digestion. That will be experimented with presently. Whatever the cause, the effect was plain.

There was litter-encrusted crap all over the floor of the store-room, where the litter-boxes are, the floor of the dining area, and the rugs of the corridor between, as well as in the sitting room. It had been ground in to the carpet, where Nev had obviously attempted to rub it off his fur. This of course meant that worse would be seen when I examined his fur. Worse was indeed seen.

All his backside was covered in debris, and both his rear legs. This despite the fact that his bum had been shaved recently. When a cat has liquid faces, it will cling not just to long hair, but to short; indeed, to skin. Feeling that he needed to cleanse himself, the Nevsky had tried his best. He had failed.

For the next hour and a half, I washed Neville, wiping, combing and trimming wherever was necessary, and cleaned the floors and the rugs. Only after that could I start on the normal routine of the morning: feeding the cats, scooping the litter-box, and the few things that pertain to me in preparation for work. I lost count of the number of times I wished my hands and arms… And Nev used the box again for number two before I left, necessitating another, albeit much less severe, cleaning.

I have taken away the new hard-food for the day, and will supply the cats with some of the former product. Nev will stay have access to his ‘dietetic’ food, which he prefers, anyway. He has been eating that with no ill-effects for years. In the meantime, I will watch, when I can, his litter-box visits, wash him immediately when it is required, and hope that he doesn’t need to go often when I am absent.

I was late for work and I am tired.


  1. Sometimes, as difficult as work may be at the office, or other places, it certainly can be easier than cleaning up that mess. What a way to start your day and to end poor Neville's misery. Hope it is better when you get home.

  2. OH, that is a hard awakening and follow up of the new day. I hope so much that you come home to a better day with no deposits anywhere. I am so sorry especially;ly about Neville having runny stool and you needing to get to work. There is no good timing for such a thing but that, in the morning before work, is the worst.

  3. What a coil!
    But Nevsky knows that you love him, and that's what matters.

  4. The joys of long-haired cats...I'm so sorry you and Neville had a rough start to the morning. I hope the rest of your day went better!

  5. That was certainly not a good way to start your day. I'm not sure who I feel sorrier for - you or Nev. Meanwhile, I hope Nev feels better and I hope your day improves.

  6. Gahhhh! Definitely not a good start to the day for you, Renn, or Neville. I hope that was it, that there's nothing else unpleasant to come--for anyone.

  7. What a horrible start to the day! Surely it can only improve.

  8. What a rough start. We hope the boys tummy settle soon.

  9. Poor Neville and poor you. I hope he feels better soon.

  10. Poor Nevilla and poor you! Here's hoping this problem will resolve quickly and you can both be happy.

  11. Yep, that's never a good way to start the day.

  12. Yikes that is a bad way to start the day!

  13. Oh dear! That sounds like an awful experience. We hope the re-arrangement calms things down.

    The Chans

  14. Oh dear, that is not something that one wants to wake up to in the morning. I hope the change back to the dietetic food will be a relief for Neville and for you two.
    I'm not nearly as quick as you are with the hairball retching. Thank goodness for my little green machine. Thankfully, it happens infrequently with Saku. Silas was my bulimic cat.

  15. That is the kind of day you want to put into the trash can...and then start over...sorry you had it all happen at the same time.
