Sunday, August 6, 2023

His Pattern So Far

For the third consecutive night, Brazil ate food during the dark hours. This time, he ate more, both of the hard and the soft. This establishes the pattern for which I was hoping; in time, he will grow comfortable enough to eat at any time, but for now, this is sufficient.

As well, now that I know he is developing a habit, I can leave the library door open at night. I couldn’t before, since it would have been impossible to determine if he had indeed eaten the food placed for him, or if it was one of the other beasts, who might have wandered in. Now, I won’t need to see evidence of his consumption.

Brazil is active during the night – I found under a bookcase one of the fuzzy mice I left for him on the library couch – so it is likely that he will explore the apartment, if only very tentatively, when the door is open and, more importantly, when I’m asleep.

Brazil hides during the day, which led to his new refuge. I watched a film in the library last night; the television set is in the closet, which I open for movie-time. I turned everything on, went to retrieve my popcorn, and sat down to enjoy the evening. The newcomer was, as I expected, quiet and motionless through the film; afterwards, I looked to see that he was all right, before I shut the library for the night. I couldn’t find him. It turned out that he had slipped into the closet, where he no doubt found a comfy spot amid blankets, cushions and unused cat-beds. At least he came out at some point to use the litter-box…


  1. So he is quietly exploring at his own pace.

  2. It is good that he is starting to look into new places, and to play.

  3. It's definitely good that he's playing and behaving normally, at least at night. He might be more of a challenge than you first anticipated, but with your TLC he'll get there.

  4. It looks like Brazil is starting to settle in at his own pace - slowly but surely.

  5. Always, the basic signs of a kitty doing okay: litter box use and eating.
    Maybe the film was one he'd already seen.

  6. Glad to hear he's doing cat things. I wonder, has he met any of his roommates on his nocturnal meanderings?

    1. There's no way of knowing, though he's aware that there are other cats here.

  7. It's good to know that things are--albeit slowly--moving in a very positive direction. It sounds like at some point, something really traumatized the poor fellow.
