Tuesday, January 8, 2019

A Slight Delay in Our Programme

Raleigh’s veterinary appointment has been re-scheduled until Thursday afternoon, while Parker will still see his doctor tomorrow, Wednesday. Nothing else has changed with the pair, though Parker, who used to lie on the table while I write, now likes to lie across my papers, so I have to write around him. It’s hard to move the orange-boy, however, as he purrs the entire time. How can I tell a cat he’s bothering me when he clearly enjoys interfering in my activities so much?

And then there’s this…


  1. LOL @ Jeanne's comment! Yes, that is one very long cat indeed.

    Good luck tomorrow and Thursday, but especially with Parker.

  2. dood....ewe look de size oh de lion !!! ☺☺♥♥

  3. Oh this is THE total best picture EVER!

  4. I absolutely love the picture. It made my day!! But, I don't see why you're complaining that Parker is bothering you while you're working. He's just supervising, and that's his job, after all! :-)

    1. With Puck not eating, and going to the doctor this week, my thoughts border on the land of What If, and so I let him rub up against me, bother me and purr, as much as he likes…

  5. I hope all went well for Parker, and also does so for Raleigh tomorrow.
    That is a great photo!

  6. How did Parker's appointment go? We are thinking of Raleigh and you for tomorrow.
    Love that photo! tunnel with legs.

  7. Haha! He's so adorable! :) And well - I'm the same - even if the cat bothers me I can't tell him/her anything... I'm just happy with her/his happiness ;)
