Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Rasslin' and Tusslin'

Hector and Auric continue to enjoy their play-times together. I hope to record one of their chases, but every time I try, they stop running. A wrestling match will have to do for now. (If you double-click on the video, I think it may enlarge.)



  1. It really is nice to see them having fun together!

  2. That was so fun to watch! They sure do have a good time wrestling don't they? Who gets tired first?

    1. Usually, it's Hector, but at that point, Auric will rarely urge him to keep playing. At least not for a few minutes.

  3. What a great video! They certainly enjoy playing together. Not to mention, it gives the older cats a chance to get some peace.

  4. That was a fun wrassling game!

    Who was in the bottom corner watching them play?

  5. Ah! Bless! That's lovely!
    And don't forget John..When one
    pins the other down..you have
    to count 1~2~3...

  6. I LOVE this video!I hope there will be more when you can. Just of the Beasts doing their thing in the day as well as epic wrasslin matches. The infamous Tunnel Attack was well caught. How often do we get to see such military strategy in live action like that??

  7. That put a HUGE smile on my face! It's wonderful to see them tussling, and they actually were pretty gentle about it, at least that time. I loved the tunnel strategy. :-)

    Watching that made me think of Nicki and Derry's tussles; I miss those. Sometimes I think Derry must miss them too, though perhaps now he's too old to want to bother anymore.

    1. They are pretty gentle with each other, though Auric sometimes gets carried away, and I hear Hector's squeals. But they both love it. I thought of Nicki and Derry, too, and Eric and Flynn from Devon.

  8. they r so cute!! they play fur fun not aggressively

  9. I watched it again three times. Expanded. Loved every second. Auric is VERY clever in his strategy!

  10. Oh, those two!
    Manny and CB are about twice the size of Auric and Hector, so they move furniture around, make loud thumping noises, and the growls!
    Then, they flop down together and fall asleep in each other's arms.

    1. I never would have guessed Manny and Bruce are so big. I'd love to see them tussle with each other.

  11. doodz....oh em cod.....best moovee ever !!!! total lee grate cap sure bye dad !!! we givez thiz 984 pawz UP ....R ree veew; lotz oh actshun and suzpenze; noe commershulz; grate directin !!! ☺☺♥♥

    1. Thanks, guys. I was lucky at last to have my telephone handy when they were getting playful.
