Tuesday, June 7, 2022

From the Tooth Fairy

After reading about the excessive number of teeth removed during Renn’s recent surgery, the considerate blogger at 15 and Meowing sent my big boy a little catnip toy, via ‘the Tooth Fairy’. I’d like to thank her for this generous gift. I’d also like to publish some pictures of Renn playing with it, but before I could take any, Hector seized it and went loopy on it.

Readers will have to enjoy images of the dark knight with our gift, instead of seeing the intended recipient. But I think they will agree that the present was appreciated in any case.


  1. Poor Renn. It's bad enough that he had to have so many teeth removed, he doesn't even get to play with his toy!

  2. Yes, the Tooth Fairy's toys are quite alluring !

  3. Nice to see Hector enjoying it. Hopefully he will let Renn have it again. :)

  4. Those nip toys from Miss Ellen are pretty irresistible!

  5. Hector is a little precious. I sure hope Renn got a turn with the new toy.

  6. Mom Ellen is the best! We hope Reen gets a turn with that toy, too.

  7. That's so funny...Renn will get a second hand gift...aka a re-gift!

  8. I expect Renn has the patience to wait for it..!x

  9. Katie loves anything she has ever gotten from Mom Ellen. Her chicken leg is a favorite to this minute and so is her icecream cone. Her tomato and fishy too.

  10. The toys from the Tooth Fairy are the best!
    What a kind gift to send.

  11. We hope Renn gets a chance to play with the gift from the Tooth Fairy. At least Hector was having fun with it. :-D

  12. I hope the toy will still be in one piece by the time Renn gets his paws on it!

  13. That was very thoughtful! I hope Renn got his chance with the toy too!

  14. That was a nice gift from the tooth fairy even though the intended recipient has to wait for it.
