Thursday, July 27, 2023

What They Choose to Like

It’s funny what a cat will like. Along with the top of her cylinder-house cat-tree, Imogen will lounge on the taller of the two sitting room cat-trees. But only on the third platform. She’s been to the top, but the view evidently doesn’t interest her; nor is she tempted by its greater width. Dabney preferred the top, while Percival liked the top of the shorter cat-tree next to this one. Each to his own, and Miss Silky has chosen the third level.


  1. Katie, since she fell from her most favorite highest perch on her former tall tree, has never gone high again. She is mid level on this newer short one. Window sill level.

  2. HeHe! Bless! Each in there own way....
    What ever turns them on...we humans are
    much the same..l always sit on the third seat
    to the right of my three seater settee..and
    'never' anywhere else..! :).

  3. Several weeks ago, a box containing a sack of cat litter was delivered to my home. I was busy with something else when it arrived, so I just shoved it into a corner until I could get around to opening it. Unfortunately, the box immediately became Ernie's favorite sleeping spot. He spends most of his time on it. I'm running out of litter, so I'm seriously thinking I'll have to order more, so he can keep his beloved box until he's bored with it.

    You never know what cats will take to.

  4. Each to his or her own, indeed. The bonus is that Imogen has choices, and is free to change her mind as to what she prefers! :-)

  5. A nice room with a view, and all the kitties love it!

  6. While my cats tend to have certain preferences for lounging, they tend to use the "timeshare principle" for the most part, and take turns relaxing on cat beds and cat-trees.

  7. Everyone has their own favourite spot, until they tire of it and choose a new one.

  8. Oh, to be able to look into the mind of a cat and understand what they are thinking. They do like what they like.

  9. Well, it's good to have choices. You do you, Imogen!
