Thursday, January 12, 2017

How Sleeping Dogs Lie

Not every one of my cats sleeps in odd positions. Josie is pretty normal in that regard, and Cammie, though she indulges in some spillage from her cat-bed from time to time, is also quite conventional. Tucker’s angles can be a bit questionable. But when it comes to variety, none of them can beat Renn. My big enjoys his sleep and enjoys his many ways of sleeping.


  1. I adore Renn, no matter which way he sleeps. ♥

  2. looks like Renn and Daiquiri took a page out of the same book on sleeping positions :)

  3. dood !!!!! even we gotta quest shun yur half outta de bed buddy....may bee yur dad kneads ta get another bed for yur front N put it next two de one yur buttz in !! ♥♥♥

    { { felineoni goez live next week ☺☺☺

  4. Renn looks so cute! My guys usually sleep curled up, except for Alex. He sleeps on his back with his legs up in the air - just like Renn in your 4th picture.

  5. How those positions could possibly be comfortable is beyond me. But it's pretty obvious Renn is quite content.

  6. Awww he looks comfy no matter how he lies.

  7. No matter which way he lies, he looks like a big cuddly teddy bear.

  8. Oh Renn you gave us a good chuckle this morning. Last night Annabelle was in my lap (and I had no camera accessible to me) she was upside down and her head started tilting back slowly as she fell off to sleep down my leg. Finally she found a stable place for her head and she began a dream. Her whiskers flinched her mouth moved her legs all jerked back and forth, it was so adorable and it is moments like those that soothe the soul.

  9. He is so adorable :) He makes you want to just snuggle him you know :)
