Sunday, October 8, 2017

Everyday Gratitude

Another Thanksgiving Day is upon us, and I find myself once more thankful for many things. Most of them are ordinary, every-day things, which, in a way, makes them even more worthy of gratitude. After all, I not only have a home, my health and friends, but I have them every day. While it may be the unusual that makes life exciting, it is the normal, the routine that make life, period. And since my life is much better than many other lives, I am grateful for it, and for the routine things in it.

I hope everyone reading this – and everyone not reading it – has much more in their lives for which to be thankful than not. If so, then I am thankful for that, too.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, John. It's easy to forget how much we really do have to be thankful for, in our day-to-day routines.

    I hope you've had a peace-full, lovely long weekend and that everyone is doing well.

  2. A Happy Thanksgiving my friend! To you and the Beasts as well. I know they are thankful each day as are you for their food and home.

    1. And to you. My beasts give me plenty to be grateful for, whether they feel it or not!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! The routine, ordinary stuff is what we all hang our hats on; exciting, new stuff only happens once in awhile.

    1. And as I grow older, I can do with less exciting stuff...

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your feline family, John! With all of the day to day things we do, it's easy to forget the important things in our lives that we should be thankful for: good health, friends, a place to live, food on the table, and the big thing - our cats.

    1. Yes, I wouldn't have the same life without my beasts. I'd have more money - but I would be poorer.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, John. In times more meager when we tend to think about what we don't have , Thanksgiving asks us to pause and be thankful for what we do have. I'm always humbled by what i have been blessed with when compared with many others throughout the world. Something as simple as clean, safe drinking water to fill our cats bowls! Simple gifts, taken for granted, abound.

    1. Even if we think we don't have much, we usually have more than we need, and that's pretty darn good. Happy Thanksgiving, Kari.

  6. we haz been off line fora few; N just wanted ta say thanx for yur friend ship guyz anda happee BURD FREE BASS TERD GOBBLER FREE thanx bee givin day !!!! ♥♥♥ heerz ta PIE ☺☺☺

    1. Thanks for being there, guys, and for including the Catfather in your saga!

  7. Happy thanksgiving to you and your little family. We are all lucky to be able to live in warm comfortable homes, with a cosy bed and enough food to keep us fed.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you. I hope your weekend was a restful and pleasing one.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving John and to each of the kitties. I am on the other side of the country from my dear Holly but I am thankful she is in the good hands of my friend and enjoying turkey. I look forward to returning home.

    1. I hope you are able to rejoin Holly soon. It's good to know she is being taken care of. I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving, even though you were away from your Holly.

  10. I'm horribly late, but Happy Thanksgiving John!

    1. That's all right. I've been reading your blogs: you were otherwise detained!

  11. What a wonderful post. Thank you - a good reminder to me
