Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year to You!

Tonight comprises the last few hours of 2017. For me personally, the year has been adequate. It hasn’t been bad, so I will count it among the good ones. For many others, and the world in general, I think it could have been improved. But I have hopes for 2018.

In the meantime, I am grateful for what I have. It is at Christmas and the turning of the year that I reflect most upon what I have and what I do not have; much more now than on Thanksgiving Day. And my benefits out-weigh my deficits.

The past several days have been snowy, and very cold. Right now, the temperature is -32°, and -39° with wind-chill. Tomorrow afternoon, it’s predicted to be -13° and -22°, respectively. Consequently, I am particularly pleased to have a snug little home, and to be able to provide the same for five cats. I am still employed; I have food; I have many books, and I am able to watch a movie once a week in my own home-cinema. (All right, it’s a television set attached to a dvd player, but the cats have never been to a cinema, so they don’t know the difference. Shhh.)

I am at a stage of my life at which I will not be too upset if things merely remain static, instead of improving. I find myself mildly astonished to want better and more things for other people than for myself; more people need them than I do. This change from my youth is probably due less to selflessness than to awareness: it occurred to me that I may have more than I deserve, so that in demanding ‘my fair share’, I could lose a quantity of what I already possess. Better to point out that others deserve things, than to draw attention to the fact that I may not!

So I will content myself with being thankful for what I have, and to wish to each of you reading this – and each of you not reading this, too – a happy new year: may it start out good and just get better from there.


  1. Happy New Year to you and the cats John. Thank you for sharing 2017 with us - we enjoy all of your posts. We wish you health and happiness for 2018 and warmer temperatures.

    Julie and poppyq

  2. Good post about being thankful for all that we have, not fussing over what we don't. My thoughts were the same yesterday. Compared to a great many, I have little in terms of the superficial and material, but in global terms, I'm rich in that regard. And I have been very, very, very lucky in my life in so many ways, for which I am deeply thankful and grateful. How does it get any better than this? :-)

    Wishing you and the fur family a truly happy, truly blessed new year.


  3. You're right, John. As long as we have our health, a warm home, food on the table, good friends, and the love of our cats, we really have a lot to be thankful for. I wish you and your feline family a year that is filled with good times, good friends, and a lot of cat cuddles.

    1. Thank you, Roberta. You don't have a blog - so far as I know - so I hope this wish reaches you. May you and your cats (you have even more than I do, though that's not strange for us cat-people) enjoy a wonderful, prosperous and happy year; may 2018 be as worry-free for you as it gets. Happy new year.

    2. I did receive your post even though I don't have a blog, and thank you so much for your good wishes, John!

  4. Happy New Year John!

    Thank you for this post As I lay in bed last night I had a bit of a pity party; 2017 in so many ways was an awful year, and I had little hope for 2018. But you have reminded me, that I have much to be grateful for: a warm home (we're a day behind you in the warm-up), my good health, a job to help me maintain both as well as allowing me to travel, and best of all - friends both near and far who have supported me through the ups and downs of the past year.

    Many blessing to you John and the cats in 2018!


  5. Dear John; Happy New Year. I wish you and your fur family joy, goodness and contentment. Smiles, anticipation for the next day, and opportunity. And challenges that show you times to use your gifts for others. May the Lord bless and keep you. He already is, really.

  6. Happy New Year to you! I hope 2018 is a good one for all.

  7. I hope you had a lovely holiday and may 2018 bring only smiles

  8. Wishing you and your kitties a happy and healthy 2018!

  9. Happy New Year for you all! :) I hope it'll be better than the old one!

    1. Thank you, Olka. I hope the same for you, however good 2017 was to you.

  10. Happy New Year,I wish you a pawsome 2018,xx Speedy
