Friday, July 13, 2018

Just So I Won't Forget

Parker has been remarkably polite about demanding, er, sorry, asking for his walks. I have mentioned that he does cry at the door several times each evening, but relaxes his attentions when I tell him “no”. Wednesday night, he accepted my promise that we would go out after I had done some writing for about an hour. He thereupon decided both to remind me that he was waiting and to make sure I didn’t evade my responsibilities by slipping away without him.

This was my perspective, as I wrote.

He did the same thing last evening. The orange boy was remarkably patient, quiet for the whole hour, both days. He does enjoy his walks, but then I enjoy watching him enjoy them, so it works out for both of us.


  1. Parker, you are training your human very well!

  2. What a character! He's such a smart cat.

  3. He is a good boy waiting for you to do your work.

  4. are really good at knowing how to give and take and your patience is rewarded. That's why you are a good boy. You know Dad will pay attention.

  5. A day is not a good day without an evening stroll around the neighbourhood as Parker knows.

  6. They say cats are hard to train, but it seems Parker had you trained in no time! :-)

  7. Parker you are one very smart orange cat!

  8. It’s lovely walk time is something you can enjoy together. He is a dear boy.

  9. dood...knot ta mesnshunz ewe waz abe bull ta tell de cat father ewe iz SURE him seen a gardin hoze and KNOT a 90 foot boa snakez ~~~~~~~~~ thanx !! ☺☺♥♥

  10. What an adorable and patient boy! Then again, we didn't see him with an editor's red pen.

    Thank you for your kinds words today over our loss of sweet Sunny. We very much appreciate them and know that her spirit does as well.

  11. Parker is a clever boy making sure he gets his promised walk.
