Renn’s urine analysis came back to the veterinary hospital yesterday, and the doctor said that it looked “great”. There is nothing wrong with my big boy’s water-works, and the kidney values that were slightly worrisome to the veterinary were likely due to mild dehydration; Renn is not drinking enough water.
He does need to have some dental repairs made. He has gingivitis - I haven’t smelled that, but I could see it - and perhaps a few teeth need pulled. I will schedule that operation for some time in the near future. His blood-work and urine testing, however, have been done, so I need not concern myself with those.
Renn’s wetting in the bath-tub, then, is likely due to stress; whether this is over some discomfort from his teeth or because of the situation at home, I can’t say, though I believe it is the latter. Parker’s illness, and my anxiety over it, are no doubt contributing to some disarray in the cosy apartment’s harmony, but that can’t be helped at the moment. I think Renn may also be feeling slightly displaced due to Raleigh, who monopolises my lap when I am on the couch. My big boy has only rarely been a lap-cat, but he likes having me on the couch with him, and I am sure he looks askance at Peachy being there. But since that is the principal time that the new boy gets physical attention, that can’t be helped, either. I will make an effort to give Renn more attention, as well.
While he needs some tooth-work, Renn is in very good shape. He has always been my healthiest beast, and while there is the chance of an ailment that cannot be detected by the tests just done, there is no reason to suspect it. He will continue to be my example to the others in terms of their well-being.
“Why can’t you be more like Renn?”