Monday, June 10, 2019

My Lucky Days

Recently, life in my household has been eventful. That usually means something bad has happened. But out of unfortunate occurrences, good can arise, even if it is only a realisation. I have realised - perhaps that’s the wrong word, since I have known this before… I have remembered that I am quite lucky.

Parker, my foster-cat and good friend, has died. He did not have an easy time of it over the last months of his life, but I was lucky to have been there for him. I was lucky to have known him for almost two and a half years. There were times during that period when I didn’t feel lucky for knowing him. He could be frustrating at times, and a sick pet brings anxiety and sorrow and regret. But I was lucky.

I was lucky in that I was able to give what care I could for him; I was lucky to have support from friends and veterinary staff; I was lucky to be the one to watch over him.

I continue to be lucky. It’s not spectacular luck, whereby one finds a winning lottery ticket on the sidewalk as one is walking. It’s every-day good fortune. I have a job, and so can provide food and shelter for my cats. I have a home, where I can live with them in safety and warmth. I have had the chance to learn about feline habits and health. Not everyone has these opportunities. I know this from my work with the rescue-group to which I belong.

I have been luckier in the past, and I may be luckier still, in the future. Then again, I may be less lucky. But for now, I will be grateful for my life; I need not wait until Thanksgiving for that. I will be grateful for my luck in being able to have my cats and take care of them. And, since Roberta, who follows my blog, rightly pointed out that I neglected to mention how Tucker was doing in my last entry (he is doing well), I will show his latest photograph. I am lucky, even to have him…


  1. I have a very bad habit of focusing on what is wrong in my life, rather than what is right. Thank you for the reminder that I need to change my ways.

    1. When I was young, I tended to be very pessimistic. I’m not sure why; I wasn’t raised either poorly or in penury. Perhaps as the world’s decency has contracted - I am someone who firmly believes that the good ol’ days (any year before this one) were indeed good, or at least better - I find that I have more for which to be thankful.

    2. We certainly have that in common.

  2. We're all lucky in so many ways, that's a grand thing indeed.

  3. I think it's human nature that most of us will focus on what seems to be lacking, rather than on what is in abundance. So this post serves as a great reminder.

    Coincidentally, I was doing my best this weekend to remember how "lucky" I am too, though with mixed success, as I cleaned up Nicki's alternating back and front end messes. (Back end because his sensitive system is flaring up, as it does from time to time, and front end twice this AM because he managed to find a few blades of grass that I didn't get with the vinegar spray.)

    Anyway, I hope you continue to feel lucky in some way or another, every day.

  4. "Always look on the bright side of life!" from Monty Python's Life of Brian.

  5. guyz... N we be luckee ta haz ewe az friendz N we be way luckee de cat father iz on....R side......dood yur lookin grate in de box ~ ☺☺☺

  6. Thank you for the update on Tucker. I love the picture! You're quite correct, John. We all have a lot to feel lucky about. It's not always apparent, and many times we forget how fortunate we are, but I try to remember that everything happens for the best. It may not seem that way at the time, but eventually you'll see that whatever happened was for the best.

  7. Always good to look at our blessings. Parker was blessed to have you and be loved at the end of his life. That is much more than some kitties ever get.

  8. I agree with your assessment. While things haven't been easy lately, it's with certainty that the cats in your care appreciate your efforts. They too are fortunate to have found their way to your home.

  9. we think that is a good reminder for all of us - step back and remember to be grateful for the little things even when the big things seem overwhelming

  10. I have had some very dark days lately and reading your post has made me realise that I must look for the good in them. I really will try harder. You are an inspiration.

    1. I'm unhappy to read that you have been experiencing distress recently. I hope that your days become brighter soon.

  11. As l've said..l've only just come on board,
    but, reading your lovely Blog John, every
    post comes together, you write exactly what
    you feel about your pussy~cats, and everyone
    who comments, feels the same way, and understand,
    your aim in life..and..those of us who have have
    cats, at least once in our lives, will understand
    All animals need love..Oh! And cuddles of course...
    lets not forget the cuddles..Bless!

  12. Visiting your blog through Kea's, John. Yes, I agree that among other things, cats add a great deal to our lives. At one time we had 8 (a bit much - but what can you do?). All have been rescues or ferals. We try to keep the inside population to 3. Most have lived 18 - 23 years as 'inside only' cats. The outside ferals we care for usually are around for about 5-10 (some more, some less). So yes, I agree you are lucky...

  13. I love reading of gratitude. My days are filled with it toward everything I wake to. I just took away a list of all those things. I do believe I was starting a blog right here in comments. :-)

  14. Great work sir, help them who need it. Providing food, for cat its such a great work for all of us.

  15. We are lucky when we face the difficulties if we can learn, or remember, from them as you remind us. My Rumpy has a lot that I deal with but when he comes up happy and purring with little feet going to beat the band... yes very lucky
