Saturday, June 22, 2019

Coming Around Again

Raleigh is coming around again. That ugly spaniel regressed a while ago, and started running from me, even though he had been coming up onto my lap almost from the first day he arrived at my apartment. Something frightened him and he took to keeping his distance. Then, suddenly (as cat behaviour often seems to change), he decided to approach me.

Peachy now comes over to me quite frequently, especially before meals are served. He will lean into my hand and enjoy a vigorous head-rub, especially along the bridge of his nose. Oddly, he has not taken to lying on my lap again, and he is still easily spooked, so I am reluctant at this point to try washing his face when I have the opportunity to hold him, even though that droopy countenance needs it constantly. Seizing him and picking him up are only for serious matters; he dislikes these actions right now and I’ll only perform them if I need to attend to something important. But he lets me brush him and I have brushed out a few more of the last mats on his rear right flank.

He also enjoys playing in the shallow boxes and lids strewn on the floor. His many-toed feet can’t grasp things well, but he may actually use that to have fun: I see, and hear, him scrabbling at the bottom and sides of a box, presumably trying to grab a toy.

But when by himself, he can usually be found at the screen door to the ditch. Sometimes, he is in a cat-tree, but most often, he lies or crouches on the carpeted shelf in front of the door. What he can see from that angle must be limited, but he loves the vantage point, so I won’t argue with him.

 Raleigh has turned out to be a prodigious talker. He doesn’t converse all the time, but when he does, he can be most insistent. I don’t know what he is trying to tell me, but I think it is best just to uphold my side of the discussion. He appears to be satisfied with that.

He is the only cat living with me whom I rescued. To the others I have given a home and a family, but I was less involved in the rescues than in their aftermath. The Peach was living in loose association with a feral colony, and with his FIV and stomatitis, I don’t think he would have survived our latest winter, which was a long one. He loves curling up in one of the cat-beds, and he loves his food; nutrition and comfort were two things he probably found in short supply in the wild. He plays and sometimes gives an outsider-cat what-for, because the intruder is coming too close to his home. These too are behaviours he likely would not have known in his previous existence. Inconvenient and frustrating at times, worrisome and expensive at others, I am nonetheless glad Raleigh is here. I suppose that’s good, because he may be here a while…


  1. I do wonder how any feral cat survives a Canadian winter. You’re right; it undoubtedly would have been too much for poor Raleigh. As difficult as he may be at times, I’m sure you got extra-special Karma points for rescuing him.

  2. Ah, would that we could speak "cat" and could understand precisely what they are attempting communicating to us. Hmm, on second thought....

    As for the "a while," I suspect Raleigh will be with you for the remainder of his life. :-)

  3. I am glad he is giving the social thing another go.

  4. Like Raleigh, my Willow is a talker. What a shame we don't speak cat. It would be great to know what our cats are saying. Where's Dr. Dolittle when you need him? :-) But that said, I'm reasonably sure our cats understand us. Just say "treat" and see what happens!

  5. Raleigh is in the best place possible; one that adapts to his needs, and yet allows him freedoms. The freedom to eat and be comfortable, to lap sit or not, to express himself with meows, and to learn and play.

  6. He is enjoying the good life in a very cosy apartment with a very understanding owner!
    In one of the pics I see Cammie near the window with Raleigh. Were they getting along or was the princess telling him to move on? I'm just curious.

    1. I titled that photograph 'It Almost Ended Badly'. Cammie came up to smell the outside; I'm not sure if she knew that Raleigh was as close as he was. Peachy raised his paw a couple of times - in self-defence; he is not an aggressive cat - and Cammie, realising somecat was very near, began hissing. I was trying to calm them and Cammie decided just to drop to the floor and move away. It was close, but fortunately, no one wanted a fight.

  7. HaHa! As they say.."Dogs have owners..Cats have staff".
    In my case, back in the 80's l had four cats, and l was
    running around for them ALL the time...each had her own
    ways and manners, always had females, don't know why, it
    just turned out that way..George was my first and last
    pussy~cat..that's him up on the left there..we had a
    special relationship/ daughter had just gone off
    to it was just the two of us..if George
    had been human..we would have taken over the 'world' :o).
    He was a bit special..But! Are'nt they all..Bless'em!

  8. I am glad Raleigh is coming around again. Who knows what he went through before he was rescued. Even though he is safe and in your home now, I assume cats also get flashbacks from the way things were and it must be scary for him and could explain his periods of withdrawal.

  9. My goodness gracious so many napping places! Dad would say I'm quite the talker as well, what with my pigeon-like chattering (his words).

  10. Raleigh, I wonder what drives you to shy away from your dad? I have wondered that right along here. Especially since there are as many times that you don't.

  11. It takes them awhile but they do come around, I am so glad Raleigh is showing these positive signs again!

  12. Like forever? I'm thinking so. I hope he continues to relax a bit - perhaps it was Parker's illness and passing that made him frightened. I do know that Saku got a bit wild after Sami passed. I have no idea but wonder if he didn't worry that I would take him away and not bring him back as happened with my girl.

    1. I'm sure the stress of Parker's last months, though they were worth it to keep him alive and happy, took a toll on the others.

  13. dood, we iz lookin ina crystal ball; well, act shoo a lee ina window pane glazz, but we still see de same.....ewe livin ther for like ....for ever !!! ;) ♥♥♥

  14. The window is a fine perch and those trees look out on the great world what more can a cat desire but this, meals and love
