Tuesday, June 1, 2021

How to Play Connect the Cats

Like most substances, the Cosy Apartment’s beasts expand in the heat. The warm weather in our part of the country has meant fewer hours spent in snug cat-beds and more on floors and furniture, including the bed. Add to this the strange phenomenon that seems to occur when a new cat arrives – that is, the replacement of enmity with apathy on the part of the resident felines – and we have sights such as this.

The three boys have been spending more time together on the bed, or at least in the same room. Neville has been much less anxious near or passing by Tucker, and Tucker has been less hostile to the Nevsky’s proximity. The advent of Portia has given the boys something else to think about, and concerns about having to live with each other have, if not gone by the wayside, certainly dominate the road much less than previously. The introduction of the new girl has accelerated the process of peaceful co-existence, even to the point of physical contact without violence; one of the advantages of having new roommates.

Now, if only they would contribute to paying the rent…



  1. I hope they move over a bit when it's
    time for you to go to bed John..
    Can't imagine you curled up on top
    of one of those cat stands! :o).

    1. Sometimes I think there'd be more room for me there...

  2. Beds are very comfy and a great place for cats to sleep .I sleep there too ;) Good to hear there is less catfighting and everycat gets a comfy spot on the bed. Good too that Olivia is helping reduce fighting among the boys :)
    As for rent, well, we cats do not have money but we are mighty cute :)
    Purrs, Julie
    Purrs, Julie

  3. Typical teenage boys to group up and see who will attract the girl. Just act nonchalant and that ought to get her attention.

  4. This made me laugh. Male bonding of sorts. Property socially distanced, of course. :-D

    1. It does remind me of "the boys" retreating to the man cave...

  5. They never do help pay the rest. The simply murmur in passing us, that we are fortunate to have them with us in our homes. That, having been murmured, concludes discussion on the matter.

    1. Katie, don't you know that we pay the rent, but the cats own the apartment??

  6. Lynn's comment made me laugh out loud! Portia certainly will find out she is queen of the cozy apt!!

    1. I think she might.

      How is your mother doing, if you don't mind me asking?

    2. I don't mind. She's going strong at 89 years!!! She now lives with my sister.
      Other matters with my cat, TomTom, came about. So I've not been commenting, sorry about that. Could I email you with the particulars? It's quite a story, at least I think so.

  7. How interesting; warmer, means more peaceable living arrangements.

  8. Looks like they might even be touching a tiny bit.

  9. It's funny how they permit touching in their state of relaxation. Whatever brings them together is good.

    I hope your apartment has a/c. It is going to be ridiculously hot for the next few days at least.

    1. No air conditioning here, unfortunately, and in the evening the sun shines directly into the apartment. We sweat a lot.

  10. this photo is too cool !!! :)

    YOW...catfather...dood....hide de $$$$$$$$ that waz collected frum ********* and hide it well dood...

    dad menshuned de werdz: help...pay

    ;) ☺☺♥♥

    1. I think he's hidden it well, because I've never been able to find it...

  11. It's always nice to connect with friends!

  12. The boys have to stick together, a female may try and take over! Apart from that, when it is hot you don't want to waste energy quibbling about other things.

  13. They are like a fuzzy and furry puzzle. Purrfect!

  14. That is sweet that they decided to call a truce as it were!
    They sure look relaxed!

  15. Now THAT looks like a very cozy moment!

  16. Toe to toe and tail tip to neck is definitely a sign of a treaty being signed in some hidden spot. Publicly, all claim victory while none lose face. Now we watch what happens when fine ship Portia steams into port
