Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Happy Sleeper

Sometimes Renn will lie on his back to sleep. When he does that, I will talk to him, simply repeating his name.

“Renn… Rennnnnnnn… Rennnnnnnnnnn…”

He will try to persuade me that he’s still asleep – his eyes will remain shut – but he might start purring, or flexing his paws, kneading the air. If he were human, he’d be giggling at this point – still with his eyes shut, hoping to be convincing…


  1. I love the photos. You can actually see the smile on Renn's face.

  2. Oh wow, Renn. You really ARE a happy sleeper!

  3. Awww, so relaxed and happy! Your relaxed state makes me feel good, too!

  4. Ah! Bless!x To be honest, l think that's
    possibly one of the nicest positions to
    sleep in..!
    Might give it a go to~night! :).

  5. What a hilarious photo! Renn's a hoot.

  6. Thanks Renn, for showing off that furry tummy. I've never had a cat
    that did more than just show off the tummy for a few minutes. Never
    lay still like that for long.

  7. Renn brought a smile to my face. He looks so darn comfortable!

  8. I do love that smile. You can tell he's saying to himself, "Hee hee hee, I'm fooling the human into thinking I'm asleep."

  9. I had to chuckle - none of my cats have ever slept that way and Renn is just adorable!

  10. I love it when the paws start moving and then the purrs. It is so sweet!

  11. Oh, Renn, you make this biped's heart melt just at the sight of you. Wonderful, endearing pics. ♥

  12. Renn, I thought I made a comment to you, not just the add on above. But it seems I didn't.

  13. Sometimes, when we are sleeping, TBT will talk ta us. And even if we dont quite 100% wake up, we purr. His werds an tone comes into our dreams. And that makes them good.

  14. Renn is such a character. What a fun fellow to live with

  15. Renn, I came back. I must have forgotten to hit send when I did comment fully yesterday, as it is not here BUT- I want you to know that Katie sleeps like that sometimes and I just melt into a puddle of adoration. I know that if my face even comes near Katie, she starts purring when her eyes are closed. Unless she is deep asleep. But even them, she allows me to smooch her whiskers and head. She doesn't even open her eyes, tho I know I waked her.
