Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The Artist's Signature

Minuet usually wets just inside the mouth of the litter-box - which is why sometimes she misses its lip and her water goes in front (and then under) the box. She then turns around, sniffs it and climbs out. Often, she climbs out over the side, which of course is taller than the entrance. Why she does that, I don’t know. Other times, she leaves by the proper entrance/exit. When she does that, she invariably leaves her paw print in the wet litter, and then tracks it across the vinyl I have on the floor.

She never used to do that. Now she does it too frequently for it to be accidental. I can tell she’s done it before I look into the box, because there is a track of diminishing little paw prints leading away from the box. Perhaps it’s her way of signing her artwork.


  1. That Minuet just keeps you guessing.

  2. Minuet certainly has personality.

  3. Considering that the boys have been wanting to use the box, perhaps this is Minuet's way of marking it as HER property?

  4. Minuet sure keeps you guessing. Who knew she was so artistic??!!

  5. One day I stood there and watched as Boo was using the box, and lo and behold the opening was used as an open toilet. It was too funny and infuriating, but she likes to stand facing the inside of the box. I wish she was more like Annabelle, who squats. Who knows maybe it's a tail thing (since Annabelle is without one). Minuet is definitely marking her spot! :)

  6. Every good artiste signs their work, right, Min?

  7. I was going to say that...
    It’s her way of signing her artwork...Bless!x

  8. Wow, wait till the Tabbies o'Trout Towne see this! Is going to perhaps be made furmouse in their gallery of litter art works!

    A Purrfect pawprint!! Needs framing!
