Saturday, March 18, 2023

One Door Opens, Another Door Opens

It always feels different as soon as a cat leaves the Cosy Apartment. Certainly Imogen seemed to notice the change immediately. Yesterday evening, she sensed that Zofia, whom she distrusted, had gone away; Imo spent more time out of the library last night than she had in the previous week.

She is wandering today through all the rooms except the sitting room; I’m sure she will get to that soon enough. She is currently intrigued by the bedroom, which was previously off-limits to her, as that was where I stored little Miss Zed and, by default (because he was usually sleeping there at the time), Renn, when Imogen was on the loose. Imogen noticed the open door as soon as she exited the library.

One of the funny things about her explorations of the bedroom is that she likes being under the bed. Initially, she spent about ten minutes with her head under the bed and her body outside, then slipped completely under. She was not fearful of anything, so I wondered about the attraction. Then I remembered that in her old home, the bedroom contained a ‘captain’s bed’; there was no space underneath. The latter then is a new feature for her, and must appear a wonderful idea.

Imo also likes being on top of the kitchen cabinets. She shouldn’t really be there, but I think it allows her to feel safe while out and about. Being young and fit, she has no difficulty ascending and descending, though her drop to the counters looks a bit awkward and possibly painful to me: she lets her body droop vertically as much as possible, then falls, like an immense blob of oil. But she is evidently unhurt by this method.

Her relations with the other cats are progressing well, I believe. She hisses at them, even from across a room, but this is little more than a warning for them to remain where they are. Neither oldster has shown an indication of wanting to close the distance between them and her. They have, however, intruded, in a leisurely fashion, into the library. Renn has re-discovered a favourite location of his – in a corner behind a bookcase – where he enjoys relaxing. Imogen doesn’t care for this at all, and I will have to watch possible inadvertent encounters as my big boy leaves the library, but I am not very worried about fights or injuries.

I believe that Imogen would do best as an only-cat, but I also think that she would adjust well enough to a home with one or two older, sedate felines, the kind who, like mine, aren’t interested in making new friends and just want to be left alone. Her integration so far has thus opened up possibilities for her future that may not have been plain previously.

Things are never static in a household with foster-cats. They come, they go, their characters evolve, nolens volens, and the foster-guardian must always observe, not just to preserve peace but to learn. So far, I like what Imogen is teaching me.


  1. You're correct: We can learn a lot from our pets - if we only take the time to observe and listen to what they're trying to teach us.

  2. She is doing good and exploring might teach her a lot.

  3. Now we will get a good idea of her personality and what she is like.

  4. Being constantly flexible and open to the changes is such a marvelous trait, John!

  5. We are glad Imogen feels safe enough to explore a bit more now and that it gives you some insights into her personality,

  6. As in the human world....It takes all sorts...
    Though far more interesting with pussy~cats....!x

  7. With the youngster out of the Cosy Apartment, it does open doors for Imogen. She is expanding her current territory and marking some just for herself. And how nice for Neville and Renn to have open doors again also.

  8. It is good that Imogen is able to spread her wings more. I miss hearing about Zofia's antics, but I'm sure your other cats are finding the apartment a much more restful place.

  9. I'd like to think that Miss Zof opened another window for a new visitor to the cosy cottage. Maybe one day when Imogen is a little more comfortable.

  10. It is good she is exploring more, and she doesn't seem at all concerned about sharing the bedroom with Renn. I like the way he is lying on the tree with his head hanging off the side!

    1. Renn has done that ever since he came to live with me. I sometimes call him 'my old hang-dog'...

  11. Exploring and finding the to her, safe observation spots, is good...keep it up, Imogen.
