Sunday, September 17, 2023

Receiving Instructions

Cats make some interesting sounds, and Neville is no exception. He will make appreciative – possibly critical – comments when I bring him his soft-food meals; sometimes he will talk while he eats – not polite, but not quite rude, either. Rarely, he will speak at other times, seemingly for no reason, though there must be some cause.

Unlike Tucker and his eerie calls to the Home-world (, Nev’s talk doesn’t last long enough for me to record. Instead, I must transliterate. Last night, while I was brushing my teeth, he was in the sitting room, and piped up again. This is what I think he said:

“Ohhh ahhh, ohhh ahhh…errrrrrrrrrrrrr… all right, all right.”

It sounded as if he were acknowledging the receipt of instructions. I hope they were benign…


  1. It would be interesting to know *who* he was talking to...

  2. Isn't Saturday night movie night at The Cosy Apartment? Perhaps Neville was critiquing the film.

  3. But who was giving the instructions, I wonder?

  4. I think the communication was benign and probably just telling him all was well from wherever his caller spoke from.

  5. Instructions beamed down from the mothership. Cats are from outer space, afterall.

  6. Precious talks little, and when she does it is usually in front of her food bow so I know what that is about. She does often let out a peep or two when she lays stretched out for hair brushing. At least Neville is trying to engage you in a conversation.

  7. I hope for your sake that those instructions WERE benign. 😁

  8. Yes who indeed was doing the talking, I liked this post

  9. "The food was poor and the portions were small."

  10. Ah! Bless! I do love that Nevillie...
    And love hearing about his antics...! :)x

  11. I love all their little chirps and talking. My house is too quiet without Poppyq.

  12. Interesting snippet of a conversation. I too, hope the instructions were benign.
