Saturday, September 30, 2023

Cosy at the Equinox

The weather has turned cool and wet, and the leaves on a large number of trees have changed colour. Autumn seemed to have been paying attention to the calendar this year in our part of the world, as the season started acting its age just about the date of the equinox. I don’t mind, as I like the cooler days and the chilly evenings; they are warmed by cups of hot tea next to dishes of hot, buttered toast. The gloomy days and early nights are brightened by the glow of lamps inside our private refuges.

And those who reside inside discover the comfort of snug chairs and beds…


  1. Perfect. And at our side of the world I have awoken to a blue sky warm day with cherry blossoms on the trees, and signs of spring.

    1. Cherry blossoms! What a delight. When I was a boy, where I grew up, the blooms of spring were apple blossoms...

  2. We've also had cool and wet weather here. But I do look forward to autumn - it's my favorite season. I enjoy the cooler temperatures and the beautiful colors that the leaves turn.

  3. It's cool and wet here today and will remain so for the new few days at least. I had to turn on the furnace this morning, or no one, human or cat, would have been feeling cozy. Saku even avoided the sun room, as there was no sun to warm it.

  4. This morning (Oct 1st) has started the month with a typical autumnal day, grey damp and a heavy mist with "dead" air. I prefer the colder crisper days, but they will come in November.

  5. Yes! I'm with you John...cups of hot tea, and hot
    buttered toast...I used to have a pussy~cat once,
    Darlinga, who enjoyed a little tea in a saucer..! :)

  6. I see Brazil is happily planted in a warm bed. I like the cooler temperatures in the bright colored trees, but you can skip everything that comes after that until next spring.

  7. It's been gloriously sunny and warm here, though I believe we will turn to fall weather on Friday...the first day of my vacation. (Of course! Lol!)

  8. Yes, here too. Only the maples are turning color just now but the others will be following the maples any day now. By the end of October most all of the leaves will be on the ground. IT seems to happen so quickly.

  9. And hot buttered tea is such a delight.

  10. I've long thought that Autumn can produce the most beautiful days of the year. Today was the first really chilly morning we've had in a very long time. It definitely said that the summer is gone.


  11. a little cinnamon sugar too if one is in the mood.

  12. The hot buttered toast sounds great, but can I have coffee instead of tea??

  13. On cold wet days I like a nice hot chocolate as I don't drink tea or coffee and not to have to leave the house , don't like going out in such weather
