Sunday, December 10, 2023

Resignation or Tolerance?

There are advantages to having more cats than a sane person should have. While Imogen has not, and likely will not, reconcile herself to the youngsters who trouble her life, Renn is another matter.

My big boy has always been an easy-going fellow, but his attitude toward newcomers – of whom he has seen many over the years – has been ambivalent. In the past, he frequently got up and walked away if a new arrival tried to lie close to him. He still does that from time to time, but now he seems more resigned to the presence of the youngsters. He will not play with them, but if they want to lie next to him, he will usually tolerate it.

Brazil plopping himself down next to Renn is old now, but my big boy will permit even others to usurp his space. It may be a case of an old cat simply judging a move to a new location as less bother than putting up with company; whatever the reason, Renn has chosen benevolent acceptance of the situation.

Maybe it will rub off on curmudgeons…


  1. Oh, dear. I can almost hear Neville grumbling to himself.

  2. Gettin' a bit crowded on that cat tree seat. Maybe the kittens add extra warmth this time of year. If so, velvety Neville may enjoy some of the heat. And take the heat off Imogen, lol.

  3. Oh Renn is so sweet. He probably figures it's easier to go along with a situation than it is to fight about it.

  4. One thing for sure, they are not lacking for cuteness!

  5. It does look a bit crowded up on that tree! Renn understands that "resistance is futile." :-)

  6. I think this is what Sasha felt when the youngest two came along. However, there is something to be said for extra warmth at this time of the year too.

  7. Renn is a good easy going fella! I did laugh at Brazil sharing the tree with Nev, but at least he stay put!

  8. Everyone needs a snuggle buddy every now and again.

  9. We've noticed that another cat is a better pillow than any soft blanket.
