Monday, May 27, 2024

Moving Ahead, Though Slowly

Newly re-named Indigo and I are getting along well. I can lift her and carry her; I don’t think she likes it, but she tolerates it. I was able to put her into a carrier yesterday without any trouble, which means that a new veterinary appointment can be made for her - probably next week - to give her the once over.

As regards to the other beasts, Indigo still harbours quite a bit of distrust. They come into the library - from which Indie has moved very rarely - each for different reasons. Renn comes to use the letterbox, which he prefers for some reason to those in the storeroom; Neville comes in to eat from Indigo’s hard-food bowl - which contains the same kind of food as is in one outside the library; Brazil comes to to try to make friends with the newcomer - so I believe - and Imogen comes in to assert her authority. So far, none has made contact with Indigo since Imo’s unfortunate encounter with her some time ago. But there is plenty of time for that, and getting her used to humans is the more important relationship to cultivate.

Things are moving ahead very slowly, but they are moving ahead…


  1. Indigo is slowly opening up, like a budding flower.

  2. Slow progress is better than no progress! And perhaps, in the end, she will be best as an only cat, which is okay too.

  3. Forward is always a much better view that reverse.

  4. She looks like a sweet girl. I like her new name.

  5. Indigo may end up a one cat one house one family kind of girl. But there should be people like us, that prefer one cat only. If she's happy with contact with you, hopefully that'll pass on to adopters.

  6. It sounds like things are going pretty well. Long may that continue!

  7. It sounds like Indigo is progressing slowly but surely. As was noted in some of the above comments, she may do best in a one cat household.

  8. That sounds like very good progress with the carrier. Since her unfortunate meeting with Imogen it may take her a while longer to get used to the other cats, but hopefully she will.

  9. The progress maybe slow but it is there

  10. renn…usin de box in de library givez ya sum thin “ta reed” while takin care oh biznezz…rite ‼️😺

  11. That's good news and I do hope the vet appointment goes well too.
