Sunday, May 12, 2024

Thinner for Spring

Now that Neville has had his fur shaved for the new season, I think he looks younger. He is still too heavy, but he does look lighter than with his bulk of fur.

In terms of how he is feeling, I am certain he feels better. His dense hair, and the fact that his diabetes is pretty much unaffected by the insulin, causes mats and stiffness, which can’t be comfortable to lie on. I worry of course that he will be too chilly, but the days are warm now, and he has the heated seat of this armchair to lie on, of which he is taking advantage. If he were too cold, I suspect he would move farther from the door to the ditch, which is open to the screen a little, for fresh air. It seems as if what little extra warmth he needs is found amply on the heating pad.

I am once again grateful to the groomer who did such a good and conscientious job on the Nevsky, worrying that he look good, as well as receive a practical trim. I believe Nev thinks himself quite handsome, now that he has shed his fur coat for the thin spring jacket.


  1. Mr. Neville looks quite debonair.

  2. Looking good after a fur cut, like us human look good after a hair cut

  3. I'm sure he feels a lot more comfortable now that he's had his "furcut", and he's all ready for the warm weather.

  4. Hello, my favorite handsome mancat!

  5. Nev, you are looking lovely and smooth. Please give him a pat from me.

  6. Neville is gorgeous! I love his coloring and he is such a sweet boy!

  7. Agreed. The trimmer did a wonderful job!

  8. Neville you look adorably handsome with your furriness gone...I hope you'll feel cooler when the heat really stokes up later in the summertime.
