Friday, June 30, 2017

Distressed Princess

Once more, Cammie is facing hard times. She is vomiting again, and cannot keep food down, even with slippery elm. I will be making an appointment with the veterinarian to take her in to the hospital tomorrow or - if they are closed due to Saturday being Canada Day - this afternoon. I hope that my princess will receive an injection of Cerenia, as she did the last time this occurred.

I think I know what caused this. Cammie had stopped eating the only two kinds of soft-food that she will consume: Fancy Feast ocean whitefish and chicken-and-liver. I thought I would try some Fancy Feast chicken; she had eaten it before and, though it had aggravated the sores on the sides of her head, had not upset her stomach. This time, the results have been the reverse.

A similar crisis developed in April, when I tried to feed her baby-food, in the hopes of promoting greater fluid consumption. She ate well for three days, then ceased, abruptly. Two or three days later, she began throwing up. The pattern has been the same now, even down to it happening at a holiday-time.

This week, my princess has faced repeated forced-feedings of slippery elm, which doesn’t seem to have done any good, and Recovery food, which has been tossed back up. She is currently locked in the bathroom, with water, a litter-box, a bed and even a little food, if she feels tempted. Her isolation is because I want to be able to see if she throws up any further. She is not happy about the last few days.

Once this problem is behind us, I will not be experimenting with Cammie’s soft-food again. If she disdains her food in the future, I will simply wait for her tastes to return. Any thoughts you may want to devote to my princess would be appreciated.

(I apologise for the re-used photograph. I haven’t had time to take any new images.)


  1. Aw...I hope she feels better soon, John.

  2. The poor girl. I will be thinking of her and hoping this clears up soon--for good!

  3. Poor Cammie and poor you! I know how upsetting it is when one of your fur-kids becomes ill. Paws and fingers crossed that Cammie gets well soon. Wasn't it Cammie that was recently diagnosed with kidney problems? I wonder if that's what is causing her vomiting and loss of appetite. I know Cammie is not the easiest cat to give medication to, but once her vomiting is under control, could the vet prescribe an appetite stimulant? I've used Mirtazapine for Jessica with good results. (And you only have to give it once every three days!) Please keep us posted on Cammie's progress.

    1. That worked very well for my Tortie, Admiral. She had hyperthyroidism but also developed hypercalcimina. She came to the point of not eating much of anything and the Mirtazipine helped her wonderfully.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear Cammie isn't doing well. Hopefully you'll learn something helpful during your visit with the vet.

  5. cammie...we due knot meen ta sound...gross...but better ewe toss yur food than toss...bile....we hope yur knot eatin ...two fast; coz thatz knot good, but we all sew hope ya due knot haza "bug"....sorree ya hafta go two de vet, but itz de best thing even tho ya mite knot think sew; just sew they can help...

    ewe may haz allergeez to de "chicken" sum cats due two de fish....we R sorree we canna bee oh any help; 984 pawz crozzed for ewe as well as good nooze frum de francis' blessingz... ♥♥♥

  6. temperamental and fussy. I have to switch the food up on Daphne every year or two when she unilaterally decides she no longer has a taste for it and it for me to clean off the floor after my workday.

  7. Poor Cammie. I hope you and the vet get to the bottom of her eating troubles. The appetite stimulant works well. But never knowing what food will be Cammie's choice makes it hard. Please give us an update.

  8. Poor Cammie - I hope she feels better soon.

  9. Poor little sweetie! I hope you were able to get her in yesterday afternoon, rather than today, being a holiday. I'm sending her (and you!) universal healing Light, and N & D are sending purrs to you both as well. Fingers and paws crossed she recovers quickly. ♥

  10. Poor Cammie. I hope the vet soon gets her feeling better.

  11. OH Cammie we hope you are feeling better after your Vet visit. We are all purring very hard for you.

  12. Oh John, I'm sorry to hear Cammie isn't feeling well. Certainly hope that this can be sorted out and she is back to her normal self soon.
