Tuesday, May 22, 2018

My New Bath Buddy

Circumstances change, as do situations. I have found that with the coming and going of the seasons, my cats’ behaviour patterns alter. They sleep in different places, they are more or less active. Most Saturday nights, when I have my bath, Renn comes into the bathroom and keeps me company while the tub fills. Sometimes he stays afterward, sometimes not. But lately, he has been a little slack in his ablutionary accompaniment. Instead, someone new has been investigating the process.

While Renn seems to enjoy the sound and warmth of the rushing water falling into the tub, Parker wanted to see what was actually happening. He may not have experienced such a thing before. I was afraid a couple of times that he was about to jump in. That would have been a disaster for both of us. But he restricted himself to observation, and later settled down on my slippers. Eventually, he left and lie down, apparently on guard, at the threshold to the bathroom.

There is always something of interest going on when you have cats.


  1. Oh, don't I know that blast of fear when you see a cat ready to pounce into a tub...with me in it! "NO!" Both Chili Bruce and Manny swarmed me a few times in the early days; they are so nosey! Hahahaha!

    1. Yes, a particularly dreadful kind of feeling...

  2. Renn and Parker are two gorgeous looking kittys. We like Renn investigating the bathtub filling up. When we are at home we sometimes put the sink on and our cat takes the paw to slap the water. Also Parker they will find a kitty slipper your size really soon. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

    1. Both cats are Parker. He was busy at bath-time...

    2. Im sorry about that. I thought that was Renn watching the bathtub to fill up. At least Parker didn't jump in and found some comfy slippers. Thanks for the reply

  3. I see Parker took over Renn's job as lifeguard. He's obviously taking his new job seriously - he checked out the tub to be sure it was filling properly and he even warmed up your slippers for you. Such dedication is certainly deserving of a treat, or perhaps extra cuddling.

    1. I hadn't thought of it that way. He IS a good fellow.

  4. After making sure there was nothing nasty in the bath waiting to attack you he was able to relax for a while. The slippers made a good resting place as he knew he must be ready for any emergency such as rescuing you should you disappear down the plug hole.

    1. I hope he hasn't seen such dangers manifest themselves previously...

  5. mom used to laugh at the kittens when we used to keep fosters in the bathroom....they never could figure out why she kept getting in the shower and getting wet on purpose

    1. That must have been a puzzle to them. So many things kittens must learn about humans.

  6. guyz...tell dad ta put sum fish in de tub N forgetz hiz bath all two gether ....ya wanna talk interestin stuff ....!!! ☺☺♥♥

  7. I used to have a cat that would climb up on my knees when I took a bath. I so wish I knew the thoughts that went through his head when he did it

    1. A particularly daring sort, that one. Did he balance above the water?

  8. I wonder what goes through their minds. It's a very good thing Parker didn't jump in, at least not if you were in the tub at the same time. BTW, while I'm sure you bathe more often than once a week, your reference to a Saturday night bath made me think of my childhood, and having baths in the old clawfoot tub in Gaspé. Hot water was at a premium with the old, wheezy hot water tank that took forever to fill. I was much older, in one or other of the many apartments in which I lived through my adult years, before I had daily access to a shower. Even now, a shower still is bliss for me. :-)

    1. Showers on most nights, baths on Saturdays.

      And we sure take some things for granted, don't we, forgetting that so much of the world doesn't have such luxuries as baths or showers every day. But it sounds like you appreciate them, having known them more rarely.

  9. I love the photo of Parker in your slippers.

  10. one of my old cats liked to sit on the edge if the bath. She liked you to shampoo and wash her tail.

  11. Ahhh! Parker is guarding your slippers till your bath is done. What a sweet guy!
    Then you have Renn checking the tub himself. You sure have lots of help on bath night.

    1. Both pictures are of Parker this time. He's Renn's summer relief, apparently.

    2. I should have known that because Parker is your only Orange cat. Give Renn my humble apologies. We shall blame it on stress!

    3. I hope your family emergency isn't continuing...

    4. First, my mom had emergency surgery. That was a 7 hour drive. That went well. Second one was my tuxedo cat, Lucy, had an allergic reaction to a distemper shot. She was so lethargic and didn't eat for four days. I had her at the vet's so they could keep an eye on her while I was at work. They said she was fine but she wasn't. Only we know our cats personality and I knew she wasn't feeling good. It's now in her records that she's not getting this shot anymore. For some reason Lucy's condition stressed me more than my mom's!
      Let's hope the rest of this year is emergency free!!!

    5. Well, I think it’s natural in a way to worry more about cats because people can, to varying degrees, take care of themselves, usually at least to the extent to communicating with a doctor, talking about how much pain they are suffering and where. There are emergencies in which that’s not possible, but animals are double victims of distress, because they cannot always communicate enough for us to feel confident about helping them. And they can’t understand what is happening to them, whereas most people do. I hope both your mother and Lucy are covering comfortably now.

  12. He wanted to make sure you didn't drown. And that your slippers remained warm for when you finished your bath.

  13. Admiral used to come VERY close to joining me in theater. Katie said "Are U Kiddin' Me"?

  14. I think each of my cats has managed, at one time or another, to fall into the tub. They are quite adept at getting out and thus far I've managed not to get mangled as the cat wildly scrambles to get out. I must admit to much laughter though...

