Sunday, September 29, 2019

Our Early Winter Day

We are having an old-fashioned blizzard here in southern Alberta. The snow started to fall yesterday and it has yet to stop. It is accompanied by high winds, making for unpleasant conditions. The temperature is not very low, however, only a degree below freezing, though this will fall with darkness and the night will be very cold indeed, if the wind continues.

This weather was predicted, and is not really uncommon in the autumn in these parts, though it is rather early for such a severe storm. I worry about all the animals who have to face the blizzard, especially the cats and dogs who are homeless, in particular those house-pets who have been lost or abandoned, and don’t have the experience or skills to survive.

My own lot are coping with the frigid weather as they cope with the warm: by sleeping. These six, at least, need not concern themselves with the outside world and its unpleasantness. Their anxieties are primarily filled with finding the comfortable spot in which to snooze. And so they should be.


  1. I'm very glad your furry crew need not worry about the weather.

    But I'm very sorry you're being hit with such a nasty storm in September. That's more than a slap in the face, that's a knock-out punch from Mother Nature.

    Good luck getting to work tomorrow, if you have to brave the elements. Stay safe.

    1. I will have to go out, but bicycling may not be possible, as I doubt that even the primary streets will be ploughed by then. It's Shank's mare for me, the old Marius's mule...

  2. At least your cats are warm and safe. I’m particularly glad for Raleigh. With all his health issues, a blizzard like that would probably have been the end of him.

    1. I agree. This is his second winter with me. Last winter wasn't severe, but it was long, and this upcoming season looks to be unpredictable.

  3. Not quite October and you have snow!!
    Your cats must look out the window and breathe a sigh of relief that they are in warmth and comfort.

  4. Always good to hear about safe babies!

  5. Always good to hear about safe babies!

  6. Oh my goodness, it's way too early for Brrrr Humbug season. Y'all keep cozy warm.

  7. Looks very cold to us. We are glad that your six have a warm and cosy home to rest in.

    Can you catch a bus to work or uber? I have always walked to and from work, but this year have given in to take the bus home to avoid the uphill walk during the colder months, and will return to walking when it is warmer. After a day working on my feet I am beginning to feel my age.

    1. I could catch a bus, but with this snow, it'll be doubtful that they will be on time, and chancy that they will run at all. My work isn't far, it'll just be uncomfortable and wet getting there.

    2. Ah. If I had read this, my question below would not have been asked.

  8. I happen to like snow, but I'm not sure I like it this early. Like you, I worry about the animals that must live outside in bad weather. Unfortunately there is only so much you can do to help them. Your guys are safe and warm, and that's the best you can do. Meanwhile, be careful going to work tomorrow! Stay safe.

  9. Ah! Bless! I think that's the best place for ALL of
    us in bad weather..Asleep! :).

    Lovely to see them all settled in their little
    places..I wonder what the pussy~cat word is for
    'heaven'..HeHe! Bless!x

  10. John, do you bike on these sort of days, or take public transportation? How awful for the homeless animals. I wonder if the Cozy Cafe will have anyone there- and the Hotel as well? Your lot are happy, warm and content. Had you said that the temp was just below freezing? If so, maybe the melt will be faster.

  11. And here I was grumbling about the hours of rain that we received yesterday, but at least is was liquid! Here's hoping that snow is melted away by now, and the cats will have slept through it all!

  12. We have been getting a bit cool but Wed it is supposed to be 90f. I wonder what this winter will hold

  13. Our outside crew has to deal with the rain and heat, even as we speak we're still experiencing 90+ degrees. So I understand how you feel about the abandoned animals and the weather. So wish they all could be cared for.

  14. We were fortunate as we didn't get the storm you did, thankfully. It seems to have passed us by, with a little rain, some sleet and a bit of snow. Hopefully yours disappears as quickly as it arrived.

    My cats are doing the same as fact that's pretty much what they do most of the time.

  15. if I awoke to this in the month of September I think I would cry like a wee babee; not that it would do any good... though over the weekend the NW states were socked with snow too....

    much too early ~~~~~~~
