Sunday, October 25, 2020

Kittens Learning, Kittens Teaching

The kittens survived their first night in my care. I think they were worn out from their adventures; they slept without a peep. This morning, they were ready for breakfast and for more fun. Everything is new for them, I think, everything exciting. There is much to learn. And there is much for me to learn, too.

They are instructing themselves in the intricacies of solid food; well, semi-solid food. I make a sludge of kitten soft-food and milk-replacement. (The latter comes in a powder, which smells like a vanilla milk-shake. It’s quite pleasant.) The process of eating shows me that the babies are developing along their own lines and in accord with distinct personalities already. Oleo has taken to the more advanced menu: he consumes the sludge quite readily, and is only infrequently interested in nutrition from a syringe. Bisto has nibbled at the fare in the dish, but still prefers the syringe. I am encouraging him in the former manner of dining, of course.

On the other hand, he (I am assuming they are both male simply for convenience at this point) is quite fastidious – for a kitten – in grooming, while Oleo’s attitude is more laissez-faire. To be honest, though, Oleo makes less of a mess…

They are quite the explorers. They have found the corners of the bathroom, the different smells and the odd shapes of fixtures. Oleo has conquered Mount Sock…

…and both have found the water-bowl. (Food is placed in a saucer; their litter-box is an old dinner plate. Water, by its nature, requires something deeper and less easy to access. But they have leaned on its edge and dipped inside; the heavier bowl allows this, and I can fill it to the brim.)

And, just this morning, Oleo demonstrated that he is a swift learner by using the litter-box! He even made the instinctive scrabbling motions to cover his business. He may not use it every time – I really don’t expect it at this point – but a start has been made. (Delicacy – and the lack of means to photograph the moment - prevents me from showing the actual event.)

But there is much for the kittens – and I – to learn. This will be a continual process. I told Oleo and Bisto this, and that they won’t be allowed out of the bathroom until I am sure that they are using the litterbox full-time. I think Bisto was a little dismayed at this startling demand on his resources.


  1. Oh, Oleo and Bisto so cute! I enjoy hearing about their antics so much. I see you've discovered what I learned from volunteering in the Maternity ward at the animal shelter for 8 years - that kittens are adorable. It's such fun to watch them develop their own personalities and to see them discover new things. Enjoy!!

  2. They are so darling. Of all the cats I’ve had in my life, I’ve only raised two from kittenhood. (And they were older kittens.) I’m glad to hear they’re none the worse for their strange experience.

    I do worry about the mother. I wonder what happened to her?

    1. She's probably still outside somewhere, the poor girl. I hope she will be trapped some day and spayed, maybe even find a home. But her children are safe.

  3. How FAT and round and soft and dear and just straight from heaven they are!

  4. Seeing that darling little round gray Oleo as he conquered Mt. Sock just sent me into a smile so big it almost enveloped me!

  5. They are both so adorable and will be fun to watch grow and learn!

  6. They are adorable. You say they were worn out from their adventures. Before long it will be you who is worn out!
    As well as Eric and Flynn who we had at 5 1/2 weeks old, when my MIL died we took on her cats. For some reason known only to herself she would get the males neutered but not the females.
    She only had 2 females at that time so we took them in for their spay. One was already in kitten again so we ended up with 7 babies. It was fine at first, but as soon as they started crawling they certainly kept me on my toes. One of the babies was to be Kitty YumBum.

  7. Ah! Lovely! Bless!xx
    Few more photos would'nt go
    amiss John..HeHe! Only joking!
    Only joking! :o).

  8. The litter box cleaning is so much easier than changing diapers. Glad they look to be doing so well they certainly are cute. I think each one should have one of your new house slippers to sleep in. They look about that size from the looks of your foot Mountain.

  9. They're beyond adorable. I'm glad we get to see them grow up through your eyes and blog. ❤️

  10. It seems I missed a lot while away! They are so cute!
    Ozzy was my only kitty and boy was he a handful. I'm glad he settled down after a few years. All that energy must have worn him out because he's so laid back now.
    Enjoy them now, they grow quickly.

    1. “After a few years”?! I hope Oleo and Bisto are adopted before then. They will be available at three months, though they will be ‘advertised’ before then.

      I hope everything is all right with you and your family.

    2. Thank you, John, we are fine. It's just been ridiculously busy helping family out.

  11. Oh my, I'm so glad I don't live close by. I'd be wanting to scoop up these kittens - they are so adorable. Saku would probably eat them though.

    1. The babies will be in quarantine for another week. After that, I introduce them to the beasts. I doubt that any of the latter will recognize the former as cats. It will be a most interesting day…

  12. I knock wood and thank anyone that wants to listen, that mackerull took to the box right away. Since I had no idea if mom showed him the wonders of soil; I was surprised. {the old adage is kittens learn litter box etiquette from the mom }

    oleo N bisto itz veree nice ta meet ewe wee kittehz....we look for werd ta watchin ewe grow up heer & if ya knead any add vize bout fish, pleez feel free ta drop uz a line any time !!! ewe two bee total lee kewl ~~~~ :) ☺☺♥♥♥

    1. I’ve already begun asking for advice on different matters. I suspect you are right, and that the mum teaches her kittens much about the basics of life. Why Oleo has taken to the litter-box and Bisto hasn’t (yet, I hope), I don’t know.

  13. Not sure if we mentioned last time that after meals to wipe their bottoms with a soft wet tissue and then put them in the litter. They need a bit of stimulation at this age to go and then the will also know where. Such cuties
