Sunday, October 1, 2023

He Stands His Ground

Each Saturday evening, I listen to a radio programme called Lionel’s Vinyls, which plays popular music from the ‘vinyl era’ of recordings. Some of the songs I like, some I don’t, but the host is always interesting with his stories of the selections and their performers and writers. That is about the time that I play with, and then feed, the cats.

Brazil has been growing braver with regard to the toys I use, as I noted in a previous blog-entry. But this time, he came forward and didn’t retreat when the pennant fell before him. He reached out and touched it. He may not have been sure of what to do with it, but he stayed where he was. At that very moment, Tom Petty was singing

I will stand my ground, and I won’t back down… 

I found this a delightful example of serendipity. Petty isn’t a favoured singer of mine, but Brazil may have been inspired.


  1. It seems that Brazil is acquiring a taste for music. Maybe he'd like some Barry Manilow or Barbra Streisand??

  2. I am enjoying his adventures in learning how to cat.

  3. Good job, Brazil. We wonder if there are other songs that also might help inspire him?

  4. HeHe! Or maybe he'd like summat Funky...! :).

  5. Brazil is making advances a little at a time. And it's great to see him getting a bit more comfortable and a bit more Curious with a cat toy. Can't say that I ever heard Tom Petty sing anything. Nor would I have looked for him.

  6. This is great news! Amazing how Brazil is gaining in confidence and showing it!!!

  7. Good for Brazil! The song was timely indeed. (I wonder how he feels about jazz....)

  8. "Learning to Fly," might also be appropriate. :)

    As a side note, "Lionel’s Vinyls" sounds like fun. That's my era of music.

    1. CKUA is one of only two radio stations I find worth listening to.

  9. Way to go, Brazil! Every wee pawstep is a good one.

  10. You go Brazil! He certainly is gaining in confidence in your care.
