Sunday, July 2, 2017

Of Changes

Cammie continues slowly to improve. She is not active right now. One of the lingering effects of Cerenia is lethargy, though it’s difficult to determine if her lying about all day is due to her medicine or her species. In any case, she doesn’t have much reason to go anywhere, as she has eaten too little to make many litter-box trips, and I am bringing her food as a waiter does a restaurant’s favoured customer.

The princess has visited the litter-box, and she continues to eat. She has consumed a few kernels of hard-food, but prefers the soft right now. This won’t add much to her weight, but it is keeping her going. She lets me know when she wants a meal. (It’s funny how we can reach a point in our acquaintance when we can judge what our pets want simply by their stance or how they raise their heads.) I provide her with a portion of food every couple of hours; she is eating all that I give her, and it is staying down. As the portions I dole out are about the same size as she receives for dinner, and she is eating one of these every few hours, Cammie is, in fact, eating more than usual.

I have noticed also that she is being a bit less offensive in her attitudes to the proximity of other cats. This actually began with the cleaning of the cat-trees, which appeared to generate in Cammie a self-imposed search for different quarters. I took these photographs over the last little while, some at night (which accounts for the flash.) The picture of her and Parker is most interesting: I heard hissing and growling, and, knowing that Parker was loose, I hurried to the sitting room. Unless there is a physical debate occurring, I don’t separate the cats, but talk to them, pet them and try to calm them. After doing so, Cammie seemed to acquiesce in the sturdy-boy’s presence.

What with clean cat-trees, sickness and a foster-cat, these are interesting times in the cosy apartment.


  1. Good news to hear that Cammie appears to be on the mend. My goodness, Parker is a brave boy being in such close proximity. Cammie is starting to feel settled perhaps and less concerned (after some calming from you) about the others.


  2. Glad Cammie is feeling better.

  3. Answered prayers! I'm relieved and overjoyed to hear Cammie is beginning to feel better. I so love this cat. I must tell you how much I enjoy your lovely portrait of ,Cammie. I've studied that beautiful , mysterious, inscrutable face and am captivated by her
    almost human look. I never realized it before. She looks like she could speak words, if she wanted to.
    Kiss her for me, please.

  4. It's so wonderful to hear Cammie is improving! Keep up the good work, Cammie!

  5. I think your team do so well at living together in a small space. I am surprised that they do not keep you awake, fighting and hissing, but have learnt to interpret each others body language and mostly keep their distance.

    Good on you Miss Cammie for eating small meals and keeping it down. We hope this helps your tummy settle.

  6. It's great she's eating well and keeping her food down. Continued purrs to her. And wouldn't it be marvellous if, once she's feeling 100% again, she maintains the less offensive attitude? :-)

  7. I am glad to hear she is accepting and eating food and most importantly that it is staying down. We will keep her in our purrs and hope she feels better and better every day!

  8. cammie....we iz knock inn on everee peece oh wood we see....N we hope thiz nooze meenz yur thiz much closer ta de roadz health & ree coveree. a food for thought, noe pun inn tended, for dad; purrhapz he will let ewe eat sum kitten chow/ canned or kibble az itz high in cal o reez, just til ya can get sum weight bak on ~~~~ may bee !! ?? purr hapz !! ?? any way, we R buzzed happee yur doing better ♥♥♥ ☺☺

    1. I'd love to offer Cammie something different, guys, but every time I do, she becomes very ill. First it was baby-food, now it is a different flavour of Fancy Feast. It can't be a coincidence. Right now, I am sticking to the tried and true.

  9. Keep up with eating, Cammie. I am pleased to hear she seems to be improving. How is she now? These health issues are so up and down.

    1. Right now, she is doing well, but not eating the hard-food, which is what will give her some weight back.

  10. That is very good news that Cammie is eating and improving. It is nice to see she is allowing the others to be closer to her. Even so, Parker is very brave to be that close!

  11. John, do you think that the Cerenia's side effect of lethargy might also be be calming her nerves a bit?

    1. It may be, though I noticed slight changes in her attitude earlier. I think the Cerenia may have helped.

  12. I agree with Kari on that. It certainly made Admiral much less querulous. Came sweet girl, keep on this good path,.

  13. So sorry to hear about Cammie's illness. I've been away for awhile and now worried about the princess. Hope she continues to be on the mend. I have said it before but will say it again, "you are the best fur-daddy"!

    1. Thank you for the compliment but I always feel that when my beasts aren't well, I'm not doing enough for them.
