Sunday, February 11, 2024

Five Together

It was a quiet weekend in the Cosy Apartment; so quiet, in fact, that I was able to take this picture: all five of the beasts in one room. Though I have been able to capture more than this in the bedroom – in the final days of last year, six out of the seven I had at the time were together – and just a few days ago, I published a photograph of Miss Silky with her two bรชtes noir (ironic, since she’s the black one) near by, this latest picture includes everyone. I was most pleased at this minor triumph and, maybe, if they had given it thought, the cats would have been, too.


  1. Getting everyone together for a "family portrait" is quite a feat.

  2. John, who joins you at night? Do they all sleep on the bed?

    1. Renn and Imogen are always on the bed through the night, and Aurora often joins much later, as may Neville.

  3. There is definite improvement. I see Renn and Nev have the two best places which is as it should be.

  4. Nice to see everybody in one photo. I see Brazil took to the upper Window Seat instead of the bed though.

  5. Goodness, that's quite the achievement. It's great to see them all coexisting peacefully!

  6. now thiz iz what we callz an awesum foto ! ๐Ÿ˜บ‼️๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŸ

  7. Now that is a wonderful sight this morning! It is so nice to see. he Beasts are becoming "homogenized". :-)

  8. That's a sweet image. I love seeing them all together and peaceful...for five minutes or so, at least.

  9. Good to see everyone in close proximity and obviously content.
