Monday, February 19, 2024

Silky Freedom

I think Imogen feels the household has improved with the removal of Aurora. The latter had an unnerving effect on Imo; the younger cat stalked the older too often. Whenever Imogen would jump down from a height, or move from a room, Aurora would notice and follow. There was never any dangerous confrontation; I don’t believe that was ever Auro’s intent. It was something akin to a game to her. To Imogen, however, being followed everywhere by a cat who crouched low and hurried toward her, all the time seemingly ready to spring, must have had a tediously wearing effect.

Now, Miss Silky is less guarded. She moves about more and feels she has more freedom. She of course always was able to go where she wished but, like a man afraid of an omnipresent bully, she did not always wish to go anywhere, because of Aurora.

There is still Brazil. Brazil’s behaviour toward Imogen is similar in some ways to Aurora’s, but distinct in others. Unlike Auro, Shimmer will rush at Imo to make contact with her, and that contact is not always pleasant. Also unlike Auro, he will follow Imogen rarely. He may watch her from a distance; the hazard of contact comes only when the two are already near each other. Much of the time, Brazil will pass by Imogen without incident; neither will go unnoticed by the other – and there may be hissing and/or growling from the girlcat – but, contrary to Aurora, Brazil seems to have other things to do.

Aside from her relations with the other beasts, Imogen is doing well. She plays well and hard sometimes. When she is not distracted by her wariness over Brazil – I take her in the bedroom, close the door and bring out the string-toys – she will run and leap and roll in enjoyment. Other times, she will get it into her head, as cats do, to rocket about the apartment, rarely going into the sitting room, where Brazil is likely to be, but nonetheless exercising her youthful vigour.

Miss Silky is eating well and is diligent in her litter-box habits. And I was even able to cut some of her claws. How all this will be affected by the next addition to the household when it comes, will remain to be seen. That is the future. Today, Imogen is good.


  1. Imogen, you are a beauty, and we all hope you will shine!

  2. Imogen, you look so comfy on a hard surface! But a bit of peace and quiet is always welcome.

  3. She's such a beautiful little panther. I'm still hoping that she and Brazil can hammer out a peace treaty.

  4. Dearest John,
    Each kitty has his/her own character and we have to guide them as best as we can.
    Miss Silke or Imogen is a beauty!
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. Imogen is a beauty. I love the photo - she looks so relaxed. Hopefully she and Brazil will come to a truce soon.

  6. How wonderful that you get exclusive playtime all by yourself with your Dad. That has to be the best time of the day...each and every time. Mom here loves hearing the rocketing around through the house. She doesn't care if it's night or day. She loves the sound of the little feets.

  7. We are glad to hear that sweet Imogen is doing okay. Play nice silly Brazil!

  8. She probably wishes Brazil would go away too. LOL. I'm glad she's enjoying this "break" and hope that the next fosters do not torment her in any way.

  9. I am glad Imogen is feeling more relaxed. Now if only Brazil would calm down.

  10. Things seem to be looking up hope they continue that way

  11. Good to hear that Imogen is enjoying the apartment without Miss Aurora. Hopefully she and Brazil are able to become more accustomed to one another.

  12. Glad all is well at least for now.

  13. Glad Imogen is able to relax a bit more.

  14. and we mite add ewe bee gorgeouz two πŸŒΈπŸ’™πŸŸ‼️😺
