Thursday, February 8, 2024

Progress of Sorts

I am rather pleased at how Brazil and Imogen are coming along in their relationship. There is still far to go, but it isn’t what it was. It’s always been my goal to allow Shimmer into the bedroom, since relative proximity would be necessary for any workable relationship to exist between the two in the apartment. Brazil now comes into the bedroom often and, as long as he is relaxed and situated away from Imo, the latter will tolerate him. 

Certainly, there are still incidents. Those late at night are undoubtedly because Brazil chooses to come too close too fast to Miss Silky. Other times, out of my sight but not my hearing, the issue may be caused by Imogen simply disliking how close her roommate is; there is consequently some paw-action and screaming. When I am present, things are calm, as I am able to keep distances and to reassure Imogen. The more Brazil stays in the bedroom without causing trouble, the more Imo will accept him.

He is, in fact, less of a problem to Imogen than is Aurora, who follows Imogen whenever she leaves the room, stalking her and causing anxiety on the part of her ‘prey’. On the other hand, Auro has very rarely tried to rush Imogen, so she has been tolerated in the bedroom from the start. Nonetheless, crouching near by, as if ready to pounce, and staring at Imogen, is not conducive to good order. Fortunately, she is not always like that. When Aurora is adopted - and she is likely to be - the situation will be eased considerably.

Here are the three in question last weekend, when I was in the midst of changing the sheets on the bed. The process took longer than it should have.


  1. Dearest John,
    Well, it will take time for them to adapt and to adopt their kitty siblings for now!
    Good luck.
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. By all means in no way can you disturb the sleeping cats. But it is fun to see Aurora and Imogen in the bed and Brazil on the window ledge.

  3. It sounds like things are definitely moving in the right direction. And that photo was worth an unmade bed.

  4. "what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?" hehehe...or three immovable objects...

  5. I used to have a supervisor who would say - If you wait long enough problems solve themselves. It looks looks the problem is on its way to being solved, slowly but surely.

  6. I think this is great progress, it's actually better than I was expecting!

    I was a mean cat mom, because most of the time I'd just pull the sheets off anyway. :-D

    1. As an experienced cat fosterer, you should admit there is no such thing as changing bed linens taking "less" time.

  7. Cats are so helpful with making beds. :)

  8. Hence the saying....
    "Make your own bed, and lie in it"

  9. Looks like bed making will have to wait! I use a fitted bottom sheet, and somehow as soon as my back was turned Flynn would manage to burrow under it. It was a tight fit so that was a feat in itself.

  10. They are such great helpers, lol! And of course, you would allow the naps to happen before the job was done. Cats rule!
