Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Almost All's Well That Ends Well

Once in a while, coming home makes me want to turn right around again. Yesterday was one of those days.

As soon as I came through the door, I saw bits of feces on the floor around the litter-box in the corridor. That was not a good sign. There were ugly marks on and in the litter-box, indicative of diarrhea. Also, not good. These indications were also found on the litter-box in the cat-room, along with accompanying bits and pieces. Someone had wet on the bed. Someone had tipped over the bedroom rubbish bin and strewn the contents about the floor. This all would not have been so bad if Neville’s bum had not retained much of what should have been all in the litter-boxes.

It took a while, but everything was cleaned up and washed and tidied. Then the Nevsky went to the washroom again. I had to clean his bum again. Then he threw up, twice. My old boy was not having a good day. It was two hours before I was able to sit down to dinner.

But, though it started as one of those days, it ended better. Indigo pooped, which made me feel good; it probably did the same for her; she is eating decently, and on the last day of two of her medicines now. Nev received a dose of Cerenia, which seemed to improve his lot, too: he had little appetite last evening, but ate well this morning and had not made a mess anywhere. I suspect the vomiting and the diarrhea were related: not what had been plaguing him until his new diet, but some bug in the tummy, I think.

So, while it may not be that all is well that ended well, it came close enough. And I’ll see what greets me when I returned home this afternoon.


  1. At least your life is full of exciting surprises...

  2. Oh John. WHAT an awful time of it EVERYONE had. Most of all, you.

  3. Boy, things are never dull at the Cosy Cabin. They say things happen in threes but haven't you had more than three yet? Here's hoping things improve for Indigo, Neville and you!

  4. Poop that was unwelcome and poop that was welcome! I hope your return home this afternoon is much better.

  5. It's all the fashion now!
    Cat barf & poop diet; keeps humans from eating their meals.

  6. guyz…cut dad sum slax and eye due knot meen pantz. 😺 may bee just for like one day, him could come home frum earnin a 75 cent pay day, ta havin a peace full houz frum all quarterz..what cha think…glad nevsky and indie that ewe R doin better tho πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ˜ΊπŸ€‼️

  7. Kind of a double whammy with the poop! Hope when you got home later today, there was less mess. And more feeling better going around.

  8. Glad things got better for everyone. When something goes awry with an older cat, it is doubly troubling, and you feel you have to pay close attention to make sure there is not a cascade starting.

  9. Yikes! Hopefully not repeated for you upon your return from work...
