Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Her Secret

Valkyrie has a crooked whisker. What caused it? Why just one? What does it mean? She’s not telling...


  1. And she looks justly proud of it, too!

  2. Ah, it gives her an of mystery!

    The dental appointment was not without adventure....

  3. Well, if Dr. Bellen was a girl, I'd think Valk used her curling iron.

  4. She must have bent it while she slept. Maybe she will finish the job tonight and sleep on the rest!

  5. Katie came to me with a broken eye brow, She kept it till it fell out. I think it's visible in her header picture, Valk will keep the broken whisker till it falls out and she gets a spanking new one. She slept on it wrong.

  6. I love the pictures. The crooked whisker makes her special. But on second thought - all cats are special.

  7. You are such a pretty girl! Sounds like a rock group, Twisted Whisker!

  8. That last shot she has a look that says, stop looking at me, why are you staring at it, it's nothing stop looking at it...................
