Saturday, February 8, 2025

I Should Have Re-named Him Jed

Moxy loves playing. It was a rather daunting prospect for him, when he first came to live with me. He was frightened by string-toys, especially. How that has changed.

He will pursue the little ‘bug’ on the end of the string, running and standing on his hind legs to grab it. (Though he can jump, he’s not one who leaps after desired objects; he’s too heavy for that.) He has developed a habit that I haven’t seen in my other cats. Sometimes, though not always, the Mixer will seize the string-toy’s ‘bug’ in his teeth and hold it, clamp it, with his teeth. He will thus retain his prize for one minute, two, three… Play comes to a stand still while I tug gently on the string, offer him other toys, and cajole him to release his catch. He eventually does, though it seems to be more through fatigue at keeping the ‘bug’ in his dental vice.

Moxy loves playing. And once he has won the game, he doesn’t want to let go of his reward.


  1. Ha! Well, he worked hard to catch his prey, after all. 😸

  2. String toys are fun so keep winning the game!

  3. I can't blame Moxy. Once he wins the game, he feels he shouldn't have to relinquish the prize.

  4. Moxie knows he's got a good thing happening with the bug! What a handsome cat.

  5. I can totally understand that from Eric's actions. He was the softest most loving and laziest cat ever. However, no matter how much we discouraged him he had a thing about birds. If he caught one he would clamp his teeth shut and nothing could release his prey from his vicelike grip.
    Well done to Moxy for his instinct to hanging on to prey. At least it wasn't living.

  6. To the victor goes the spoils. And he looks like he won for sure.

  7. I say he is a strong boy! ready to defend his kill.

  8. Is that the top of the refrigerator again?!

  9. Our Pipo did that, too, and if we let him, he would take his catch to another room, MOL!
    Moxy you are a fun kitty, and I love seeing how you've come out if your shell!
