Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Meal-time Mania

I can’t say that meal-times with the beasts constitute my favourite moments in the day. Not only do their relationships make dining in different locations necessary, but they eat at different speeds, requiring my rapid movement about the Cosy Cabin like the sole waiter in a busy restaurant (and no, I don’t mean the waiter who serves only sole).

Brazil eats on the taller cat-tree in the sitting room, while Imogen eats on the cylinder-house cat-tree. Moxy and Valkyrie are served in the kitchen (and periodically poach from each other’s bowls), while Neville eats in his bed. Indigo dines in the bedroom and Sable either under the bed or under the couch in the library.

Except for the last two, I can’t give them their whole portions at once, otherwise the cats will eat some and lose interest and walk away, only to want more later. I feed them partial portions and, once they finish that, they ask for more, if they are so inclined. This is the policy, which I have tried to alter many times, that keeps me so active during the meals.

The worst, though, is when one or more of the beasts simply decides that nothing on the menu is to their liking. Two, three, four different varieties are offered, and none eaten. Eventually, of course, I give up and the reluctant diner must go without. Even so, there is something particularly annoying about serving food that they liked previously, that they showed no sign of disdaining, only to have them sit back and stare at it, and then at you, as if the management is too stupid to comprehend what it is doing wrong.

However, it all ends at last, and we can all rest - except for me: I have to clean up. The cats, at times the worst customers a restaurant can endure - retire to their respective cosiness and await the next meal.


  1. I only have Katie but I will say that she is a nightmare about loving something to extreme and then shun it forever.., after eating it like a hoglet!

    1. Ys, she's a bit of an ordeal for a restaurant, too, isn't she?

    2. And somehow, cats know how to time that switch right after you've stocked up on that particular food...

  2. Oh, this is triggering me. Lol. So much frustration, trying to find something that would be both liked and okay for health issues.

    Yeah, have fun with those meal times, John. 😡‍πŸ’«πŸ˜†

  3. I'm laughing, but only because Precious loves her one flavor of crunchies and always washes her own dish. You have your indoor exercise just running from one table to the other.

  4. Not only don't the cats leave you a tip, they don't help you clean up. You need to have a serious talk with them!! :-)

  5. Now that looks like a happy kitty.

  6. You have your work cut out keeping them happy! Flynn used to let me know in no uncertain terms if the meal wasn't to his liking. He would hook the food with his paw but instead of eating would flick it all over the fridge door.

  7. me and de gurl iz crackin UP bout dadz SOLE commint….😺😺😺😺😺‼️πŸ˜œπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸŸπŸŸπŸŸ

  8. Dinner time at the Cosy Cabin sounds a bit chaotic. No one runs about to see what the others are enjoying, do they? I'm sure you're happy when things are cleaned up and the cafe closes for the night.
