Monday, February 3, 2025

Art for the Cat-room

I hung more pictures yesterday, this time in the cat-room. Two of them are needlework (I think), reportedly done by my grandfather, many many years ago. One is of a woman sitting knitting while her cat plays with yarn. Why she has the door wide open and a fire going at the same time, I don’t know. The second is a blacksmith’s shop. The frames are massive, too big for the works, perhaps, but they have always gone with them.

Also hung are two wintry pictures, which were a gift from some time ago.

Two tiny pictures are in the corridor just outside the cat-room. These are old, like the needlework, though not produced by anyone I know. On their backs is printed the words ‘British Empire made’. These little pictures may not stay where I put them. I’m not sure it’s the best place for them.

I have large blank spot on the left-hand wall of the cat-room (as one enters). There will hang the portraits of my deceased feline friends. I want to find a sturdy, short cabinet, heavy enough for the cats not to tip over, where I will place the urns. Above them on the wall will be the portraits. I want to have the right furniture, so I am not in a hurry.

I’ll be like Imogen, and bide my time.


  1. I really love your artwork. The Cosy Cabin is lovely - It looks very homey and comfortable.

  2. The Cabin is really coming together. The finishing touch will be when you find the right place for the cat urns and portraits.

  3. Angel and Chuck are in wood boxes on a downstairs shelf, while Sammy, Sweetie, and Paddy O'Malley are on an upstairs shelf.
    Their images are all over the house, especially on the refrigerator.

  4. You are making it your home day by day. I like the needlework.

  5. The needlework pieces are wonderful family mementos. The right cabinet for the urns will come along! Thrift stores, FB marketplace, Kijiji, etc.

  6. The art looks lovely on the walls, and makes it look very cosy.

  7. that needle work your gram paw did is awesome. that’s hard to do, at least I think so. and the frames might be large, but they draw ones eye TO the needlework πŸ˜ΊπŸ’™‼️

  8. Yeah those frames look a bit big but they're ok and the assortment of the hung items is really nice

  9. It's all looking very homey, for you and the cats.
