Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Her Morning After

Tempo had a quiet night, as I had expected. I think she spent much of her time in the nylon tunnel. After I rose for the day, she came out and used the litter-box, but returned to the tunnel. I fed her there, and she ate. I gave her three small portions of a Fancy Feast tin’s contents. She finished them all and probably would have eaten more, but I was wary of feeding her too much. She purred quite a bit while I petted her, so I think she is feeling better. I gave her the prescribed dose of painkiller for today.

I did put a cone on Tempo, as she was starting to lick her incision. However, she managed to remove it twice, so I don’t know if it will stay on. I tried tying it reasonably well, but I didn’t want to strangle her. I think I will just have to trust that she doesn’t do too much damage. She had not done any in the night, as her wound looked fine this morning.

I think Temps is going to recover quickly from her surgery.


  1. Here's to a quick recovery sweet girl.

  2. heerz two speed eee ree coveree tempo N heerz hopin yur appa tite
    pix up N yur eatin three squarez a day…yet two day 🐟😺❤️💖‼️

  3. It's good to know she's feeling better. I hope she's 100% by now.

  4. I'm so glad to hear that Tempo is doing well. Get well soon, Sweetheart.

    1. I'm glad she's eating! I'm wishing her a quick recovery!

  5. SO glad she is recovering well. I have been preoccupied I'm afraid and didn't realize she had been to the Vet for her spay. She looks wonderful.

  6. Purrs for a swift and safe recovery. She appears to have forgiven you.

  7. Good news that Tempo did well during and now after the surgery. Her hunger is a good thing. She'll be running around soon, I'm sure.

  8. Good girl, I hope you're all healed super soon sweetie!
