Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tempo's Surgery Day

Tempo had her spay surgery this morning. I was worried because, unlike Zofia, Tempo’s heat cycle was not obvious in its stages. There was no posturing, no extra affection and the amount of vocalization she made was not much greater during than not. Her appetite seemed to be affected; I believe it’s what contributed to her apathy toward food a while back. I think she had another cycle this past weekend, and that she was finished by today. Fortunately, my estimate was correct, and she was spayed without complications.

Also unlike Zofia, Temps is very lethargic now. She is lighter than Zo was at the time of her surgery and, though of course the doctor would take into account her weight when administering drugs, including the anaesthetic, I think they are having a deeper affect on Tempo. She doesn’t want any food, which is understandable, but spent a long time lying in the same spot at which she came out of her carrier, upon her return home.

But she evinced some interest in playing, when I and Brazil were having a game – though of course I would not have played with Tempo in any case - and now she is lying in the nylon tunnel. It is softer than the relatively rough rug on which she had been lying, and it’s more difficult for her to bend and lick her wound, though I have not seen her try. That may change as the pain-killer wears off. I have some more to give her tomorrow morning, and will debate whether to put a cone on her then.

But I don’t see why she won’t make a full recovery. My main worry is her not eating; the previous veterinary visit put her off food as much as the heat cycle did, I believe, so I will measure her appetite in the next day or two. Nonetheless, the great surgical hurdle in the life of a rescued cat is behind her, and better times lie ahead.


  1. POTP for you, sweet Tempo. Feel better soon, and please eat something!

  2. Sometimes it takes a while for the anesthesia to wear off. My Cassi wasn't back to normal until the next morning after her spay surgery. Please keep us posted on how Tempo is doing.

  3. Wishing Tempo a swift recovery and a good appetite.

  4. I am glad the spay has been done and wish her a speedy recovery. Poor girl, I know what it is like to lose your appetite. As the hospital says, little and often.

  5. I'm glad she had her surgery okay. It seems like she certainly had difficulty with eating. Hoping that all clears up within a day or two and she can get on with life as a cat.

  6. I hope Tempo makes a speedy recovery and that her appetite is not impacted this time. Please keep us posted on how she's doing, when you get a chance.

  7. Purring for Tempo to perk up and wolf down some gushiness!

  8. All the best wishes to that pretty sweetie.

  9. Poor girl, I wish you could tell her what a benefit this will be for her in the long run.

  10. Tempo I missed your day! But I see today that you are doing much better..XX
