Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Next One Thing at a Time

Indigo is doing reasonably well in the Cosy Apartment. She is coming out of the library more and more, the incentive often being food. She will come out of her safe-room at meal-times, and has been adding her wail to the hoots of Brazil and the cranky squeals of Tempo in demanding food.

Just as importantly, though, is that I have been able to deliver her insulin on a regular basis, and in an easy manner. Instead of trying to jab her with a needle while she is squished into her corner – which she seems to enjoy inhabiting; it doesn’t have to do with fear – I now sit on the library couch. Indie comes out to lie next to me for some minutes. I can then give her injection without fuss. She doesn’t appear to feel it. Sitting with her in the late afternoon is no problem; it is usually after my dinner, and I can relax for twenty or thirty minutes with a cup of tea. In the morning, though, it adds about ten minutes to my routine, and so I must wake correspondingly earlier. I don’t want simply to give Indigo her medicine and then get up and go; if she feels that it is not worth coming up to lie next to me, she may not bother. So I spend at least ten minutes with her before I go to work, and give her a treat.

The next step, which will be a big one, and probably some way in the future, is to try to poke her ears for blood-testing. But one thing at a time.


  1. I'm glad to hear that things are coming together for Indigo. I've had to give cats injections for various reasons, and like you, I've observed that they don't seem to mind them. However, pricking their ears to test their blood sugar is another matter... Good luck!

  2. Pleased to read read, things are getting a
    little easier least for the time being....! :)

  3. I'm glad that the process of giving Indigo her insulin is a much more relaxed, pleasant one. I second the good luck with the ear pricks. Slowly but surely....

  4. I am glad you and she have found a peaceful and useful way to get the business at hand done.

  5. Good to hear Indigo is settling in, in her own way. You do have such a way with cats John!

  6. I'm sorry for both of you that these injections need to be done, but at least you've found a workable system. Maybe by some miracle, the ear pricks will be OK, too...

  7. I am glad everything is going well between you and Indigo.
