Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Long Kitten

Tempo’s first night in the Cosy Apartment was not bad, but not good, either. I put her in the bathroom to see if she would eat and/or use the litter-box. She did neither. Nor did she use the cat-bed, I left there; I think she spent the night – after the first hour and a half of banging (and I mean banging) on the closed door to demand an exit – on the counter next the basin.

There is often a concern with a new cat over eating and, by extension, using the litter-box. Cats in a new environment are frequently reluctant to consume food, even beloved, familiar fare. I have seen Tempo drink water, so I suspect a visit to the litter-box will be some time today. She probably ate the morning before she came here, so there is no urgency to the matter yet. I will not, however, put her in the bathroom over night again.

Her relations with the other beasts are good for the most part. She growls at them all; her growl is a low hum that sounds more like she is concentrating on how to assemble a chair from Ikea. She saves her hisses for close proximity. Neville was at first the most intimidating cat, but Tempo seems to be realizing that he is harmless. Indigo is curious about the newcomer, but isn’t forward about it. Brazil has been trying rather too hard to become acquainted. I have seen him running from the bedroom after an angry noise indicated Tempo’s dislike. Having Shimmer a little afraid of a female cat is not a bad thing. Once Tempo becomes accustomed to everyone, those two may become playmates. Maybe.

The one who worries me is Imogen. She dislikes all cats on principle, and is staying in the kitchen, high up and far away from Tempo. I would like her habits not to change because of this. The kitten is not actively trying to attack or bully anyone, but her explorations bring her near others, at which point she growls.

That Tempo is not very oppressed with her new surroundings is obvious. She hides under the bed for short periods, sometimes only a minute or so. The kitten in her, however, urges her to get out and learn about her new home. She has been everywhere, including into the library. She knows where the litter-boxes are, and has sniffed the food-bowls. She has been in the nylon tunnel and up cat-trees. Her tail is almost always straight up, and she enjoys being petted and stroked.

The astonishing thing about Tempo is her length. She is quite thin, though neither her ribs nor her spine can be easily felt, so she is not gaunt. She is about two inches wide and three feet long when stretched. I don’t think I’ve had such a long, narrow cat living with me since Bear-Bear. Maybe once she starts eating, some of her proportions will be altered.


  1. I hope for all the sakes of your family, that Tempo can stay out at night and then eat and sleep without problem.

  2. I hope you see both input and output from Tempo today. It sounds like she'll settle in soon enough, though Imogen probably wishes that ALL the other cats would disappear.

  3. She sure is a long one. I'm sure she's settle in as the newness wears off.

  4. I hope Tempo has a better night- and you do too. :)

  5. Tempo sounds like quite a character. Hopefully she'll settle in soon. Meanwhile I'll look forward to hearing more about her antics.

  6. Poppy was the same every time we moved , no eating or litter box for a couple of days, until she felt safe. Tempo seems an appropriate name with all that banging.

  7. It seems Tempo is determined to settle in on her own terms. I do hope she has a better night, and by extension the other cats, and you too!

  8. Bless you for taking this cat in. I hope the cats work it out.

  9. I bet it was fun to see her explorations! Hope it all works out well with the others.

  10. I hope you both have a better night tonight!

  11. Ah! I think it's a fairly good start...for a first day anyway...!
    It'll take me a while to get used to her lengthy body, very
    unusual that...! Different though...! :0).

  12. She does have a remarkable shape--her body reminds me of a stretched-out rubber band. Poor Imogen, I hope she'll soon adjust to the newcomer.

  13. It's ok if it takes a little time for her to settle down and adjust just as long as she does settle and adjusts and gets on well with the other cats

    1. The 'getting on well' bit isn't working at the moment...
