Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Changes, Part 1

Things are happening at the Cosy Apartment. First up is the big news about Tempo. The narrow little tortoiseshell is going on a trial-adoption Friday. She’ll be living with a young woman and another cat, a seven year old mancat, with whom I susopect she will make friend ere long. It looks like a very promising home, so I am optimistic. I will miss her kittenish characteristics here, and Brazil will surely regret the loss of another playmate. The poor fellow makes friends just to lose them.

I will keep everyone updated on Temps’s new adventure as her big day approaches. And stay tuned to learn about the changes that the rest of us will be experiencing.


  1. Great furever news about Tempo if all 3 are compatible. And what else can we expect in the future news? Will definitely be looking in to see.

  2. That's great news, of course...to everyone but poor Brazil. He's going to start wondering why a charming guy like himself can't keep friends.

    "And stay tuned to learn about the changes that the rest of us will be experiencing." Another case of the Cosy Apartment having a revolving door?

  3. We love to read that a trial adoption is happening!

  4. Great news for Tempo. I hope all goes well for her. More changes sound interesting!

  5. This is terrific news for Tempo, I will keep my fingers crossed that this turns out to be her forever home.

    I, too, am looking forward to part 2 and hope it's good news!

  6. Well good for Tempo but sad for Brazil. He's a good socializer trainer!

  7. What great news about Tempo. Hopefully things will work out and she'll have found her "furever" home. I'll look forward to Changes, Part 2. Now if we can just get poor Brazil adopted...

  8. Best of luck to Tempo and her new potential family. I'm sure she'll settle in well - she seems pretty resilient to me.

  9. best best fiszhez two ewe tempo‼️‼️‼️make sure ta take dadz cell fone with ewe sew ewe can call brazil and say HI πŸ˜ΊπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸŸ

  10. That is good news about Tempo I hope it works out for her
