Friday, September 13, 2024

Tempo's New Beat

Tempo went to her new home today. It is a trial adoption, but in our rescue-group, each adoption is well-thought out and prepared, and Temps is a fun, loving little girlcat, so I don’t foresee her returning.

She easily got along with me. She purred a great deal, and enjoyed my company, though I think that is a matter of her liking any human who is kind and respectful toward her. She will quickly grow to care for her new person, I’m sure.

Alas, poor Brazil is left without a playmate, again. This morning, while I was preparing for work, he and Tempo had an energetic play-session, which Shimmer will miss. But, he will adjust, and in the changing conditions soon to come to us, he may find compensation.


  1. Good luck to Tempo! May she have a long and happy life in her forever home. ❤️

  2. Farewell, Tempo. Have a long and blissful life in your new home.


  3. Best wishes Tempo and better wishes for Brazil in his lonely state.

  4. All the best sweet Tempo. Poor Brazil, maybe he can train a newbie soon.

  5. Tempo...may your new home and person be loving and kind. Brazil, I wish like anything I could wave a magic wand from here and make a playmate for you.

  6. I wish Tempo the best of luck and a long happy life. But poor Brazil. Hopefully he will find a new playmate soon.

  7. I hope Tempo's new home is a perfect fit and works out well for her. Poor Brazil tries so hard to have a friend.
