Thursday, September 5, 2024

Shimmer at the Window

Sometimes, when you see something unexpected, you can’t recognise it, even if it is something familiar. Coming home from work today, I observed Brazil at the kitchen window. I have not seen him there before; it is usually where Tempo might be found. Therefore, when I noticed an orange cat at my window, watching me, I was puzzled as to who it was. The fact that he was in my apartment did not enter into the mystery; his identity only was the subject of my attention. When I realised it was Shimmer, where he had not been previously, I smiled at him and waved. He was probably confused in his turn, as to who this human was who was waving at him.


  1. That's the wonderful thing about pets. No matter what has happened during the day, good or bad, they're always happy to see you when you return home.

  2. That's funny! Annie, Nicki, and Derry would by turns be in the cat tree in the master bedroom window facing the street when I would come home. I'd stop and wave before checking the mail and then going into the house, and I'd swear Nicki knew it was me. Annie, maybe. Sweet Derry...not so much. Lol.

  3. Whenever I am outside and Precious sees me, she looks so confused. Wondering who I could be and why was I not inside. What a blip on your personal radar when you saw a strange orange cat looking out your window.

  4. That's a pretty nice "Welcome home!"

  5. I always, always loved seeing someone in my living room window when I came home.

  6. That's funny you didn't immediately recognize Brazil, but then again if he was somewhere you don't expect to see him, it isn't that unusual. I wonder if he'll be waiting at the window again?
