Monday, September 30, 2024

The Odd Glance

Packing for the move is proceeding apace. I am putting all the books in the library into boxes, though it is taking time – and a lot of boxes. Half the time, I think that I am leaving it too late; the other half, starting too early. But it’s better to finish the packing with plenty of time to spare than the opposite.

The cats are noticing the disorder. Aside from boxes appearing everywhere, things are vanishing. I was sitting in the library with Indigo, and saw Brazil trot past the doorway. He stopped and almost did a double take: the first three bookcases were empty. He came in, sniffed about, stood on the lowest, nearest empty shelf, and lie down on it, as if to prove to himself the void. Having established the emptiness, he departed, but not without a last glance back.

There will likely be quite a few astonished glimpses here in the near future…


  1. Moving is always a hassle. But once you're settled in your new home and everything is unpacked, I'm sure the cats will adjust to their new living quarters.

  2. I am sure once you have moved in to your new home and have everything unpacked the kitties well settle in and bae happy to explore their new home xx

  3. It is going to be strange for them, but once you move hopefully they and you will settle in well.

  4. It is as if you have just given them a new Jungle Gym to play on. All the climbing they can do now on top of cardboard boxes that are full and on empty bookcases.

  5. guyz..hope full lee dadz knot packin up canned goodz and treetz two soon 🙀🙀🙀‼️🐟💙😺

  6. 'Round here, I move a chair from this side of the room to another, and you'd think Da Boyz had never seen a chair before; they sniff and jump and investigate.
    Very entertaining.

  7. I like Lynn's comment about a jungle gym!

    It looks like your packing is going very well. I'm all for being prepared, not rushing at the last minute. Do you have a mover lined up for the large/heavy items?

  8. Oh I always dreaded moving.

  9. Years ago, all we did was rearrange the living room furniture. When one of the cats came into the room afterwards, I will NEVER forget his double-take. It was a mixture of shock, horror, and outrage.

    I hope your crew has more fun with the new experiences.

  10. Moving looks like a big job. I only moved from my childhood home to my married home so I have never had to truly pack a houseful of stuff. It looks overwhelming.
