Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Coming Around

Indigo has changed quite a bit from when she first came to live with me. She is, I have determined, a people-cat. She is available for adoption and, I think, would become quite attached to a new person, given time. She is diabetic and responding well to her twice daily injections of insulin. To achieve this, I started giving her injections while sitting with her for a few minutes in the mornings and evenings. I can’t spare much time in the mornings, as I am getting ready for work; nonetheless, I sit with her for ten minutes or so, and give her a shot of insulin then. I sit with her longer after dinner. I also try to give her time before bed.

The interesting thing is that she want me to sit with her. After dinner, especially, she is watchful, and gives a creaky cry when I come in to spend time with her. Throughout our time together, she purrs, even when I am not petting her. Pair her with the right person, and I think she will enjoy a human’s presence very much.

She is not a cat-cat. She doesn’t care for feline companionship, though I keep hoping she will come around, perhaps with a new beast. Her liking of me and her dislike of felines combines when she jumps up on the bed when I sleep. She will stay and purr while I pet her, but, needing to sleep at some point, I stop and roll over. Then she loses interest in being on the bed and usually leaves.

A big change will be coming at the end of October, when we all move. Indie will lose her safe-room - which she doesn’t really need any more - and have to spend all her time among the others. I will also have to adjust when and where I give her insulin. This period should prove interesting. I don’t think Indigo is a cat who likes ‘interesting’…


  1. I'm glad to hear she's doing well. I hope she and the other cats won't be too upset by the move.

  2. It is good she a person cat and likes being around people and that she is doing well, I hope the move isn't to distressing for all of you

  3. I, too, hope the move goes as smoothly as possible for all. I also hope Indigo does find her forever home....though if not, she at least has a wonderful long term foster home.

  4. She is such a cutie and you are her happy place!

  5. Maybe she will have a forever home before you move.

    1. That won't happen, I'm afraid. No one adopts a diabetic cat.
