Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Ah, the Tranquil Refuge of One's Home

Sometimes it’s better not to go home.

Yesterday after work, I came back to the Cosy Apartment, and was greeted by a couple of the kittens; Brazil, too, came to make sure I wasn’t bringing in a stranger; all seemed well. Then I heard an urgent mewing from somewhere. A kitten was in trouble. A kitten was trapped!

My first thought was that I had locked one in the bedroom with Imogen when I left her in there upon my departure that morning. But I suspected she wouldn’t be crying so insistently to be let out in that case. Then I saw the storeroom door was shut tight. The others had locked Chiff in the storeroom!

I suspect what had happened was that Chiff went into the storeroom to use a litter-box and two of the others, undoubtedly Theodore and Aurora, started wrestling against the outside of the door. They eventually pushed it closed. It has happened before, but not to the extent of actually latching shut. I prefer to think it was accidental than a deliberate prank… I have no idea how long she was in the storeroom, though it was not long, to judge by the amount of debris in the litter-boxes.

I released the little prisoner. She had not panicked, I suspect, but she had been everywhere in the storeroom trying to find a means of escape. She had knocked down and emptied the laundry basket (into a litter-box), pulled a bag full of bags from a shelf and scattered the contents and, of course, had thrown litter about. Not bad work, considering it was all done in the dark.

Then I opened the bedroom door to free Imogen. She had, at some point, knocked over the small rubbish bin and thrown its contents on the floor. In the library, I noted, someone (probably Brazil) had pulled the cords from the window-blinds and tossed them aside.

At least no one had thrown up. (That had been done early in the morning.)

After cleaning up the mess, washing and sweeping and vacuuming, I fed the cats and then myself. During the meal (chicken), I felt some food stuck on one of my teeth. That was an unusual but not irretrievable situation. I went to the bathroom to have a look in the mirror. No, it wasn’t food adhered to a tooth, it was a tooth that had failed to cohere to itself. Part of a tooth had split (both literally and, in terms of slang, departed.) Well.

It didn’t hurt, which surprised me, but I think that suggests -and it looks like - there is no cavity. It was just a weak tooth which decided to take off on an adventure of its own, without so much as a by-your-leave! “So long rest-of-body, I’m off to seek my fortune!” I will be going to the dentist in an hour or so, and she will try to fit me in at some point.

And, finally, I deleted a comment someone had left on yesterday’s blog entry. The ‘publish’ command is immediately above the ‘delete’ command, and a slip of the finger on a mouse produces a result the opposite of what is intended. It has happened before, and will likely happen again. If you are wondering where your comment went, Roberta, that’s where. Sorry.

And that was yesterday. I am agog at what could occur today…


  1. Oh my stars! WHAT a thing to come home to!!! Poor Chiff! And good gracious...what time well spent on EVERYONE'S part (save the two elder gentlemen.) And glad you were able to get into the dentist today. I wonder of there is a type of amalgam that would last, to be used? Some communication flew through the air waves between Imo and Katie. She turned over the waste basket in the bedroom last night and rooted through papers etc in it. Yesterday she turned over the large waste basket under the desk, Right in front of me! (literally).

  2. Ah! Bless! Hence the saying..."It never rains but it pours". :O).

  3. Every day brings new adventures!
    Last time I had a broken tooth, I needed a crown, and the temp crown that was supposed to last two weeks kept coming off.
    I just pushed it back into place, but stayed conscious that I might swallow the dratted thing if not careful.
    At least we aren't felines, John, and have to get knocked out so they can check our fangs and scritch off the tartar.

  4. It sounds like you had quite a day yesterday. It seems that you should have stayed in bed! Thanks for telling me about your delete and publish buttons. No problem - it solved the mystery. I was wondering what happened to my comment from yesterday!! :-)

  5. Well, there's a day that had everything but the heroine tied up on the railroad tracks. (Although I suppose poor Chiff qualified for that role.) That is odd about your tooth. I hope it doesn't need a lot of work!

  6. Acck! Yesterday was adventurous, in unwanted ways! I hope today is far calmer (a doorstop might come in handy, to keep that door from closing/latching). Good luck with your tooth, I hope it's not a long wait and is quickly repaired, something simple like some bonding (one of my front teeth was broken decades ago in a car accident and I've had it bonded a few times over the years, as the bonding doesn't last forever).

    Let us know how things went, both with the cats and your tooth!

  7. Best of luck with the tooth. What an end to finding a somewhat messy home when you came home from work. Glad the cats are all fine. Lets hope you are.

  8. Well that was an eventful evening to come home to! At least you got it all over in one day. I hope the tooth gets sorted with minimum fuss.

  9. Bloody hell if it's not one thing it's something else, my teeth are broken and chipped but not painful and I hate the dentist and really can't afford to see one. Good to hear the cats are doing ok

  10. What a wacky day that was. I hope the tooth fix is an easy one.

  11. My goodness, everyone will sleep well gonight hopefully. How annoying for your tooth to just crack and go.

  12. sorry for laughing….at least you didn’t hear it…about the cats of
    course, not the toothđŸ™€

  13. Things happen in threes, right? Except the activities you mentioned add up to more than three. What a day! I do hope today is a better on, without quite as much drama.
