Saturday, November 4, 2023

And In This Corner...

Theodore the Adorable comes out strong, putting the bitey on his opponent, Miss Chiff. He is confident of victory and gives a knowing look to the audience, showing his disdain for his adversary.

Miss Chiff appears nonplussed, at a loss at how to counter Theodore’s tactics.

But wait! The match isn’t over, as Miss Chiff strikes back. Theodore’s over-confidence may have been his undoing. He’s not preprared for this powerful assault.

With a quick, knockout left to the chin, the battle is ended, and Miss Chiff is the winner!

Note: no cats were harmed in this session. They were chasing each other a moment later, then grooming each other, then trying to pull off each other’s head. The joys of a sibling playmate…


  1. I'd say both of them are winners. :) Theodore looks exactly like my Ernie when he was a youngster.

  2. Hmm, the girl comes out on top. We must give her congrats for hanging in there to finish off the sparring. Now to wait for the re-match round in the ring.

  3. Ahh...things are never dull at The Cosy Apartment. Congratulations to the winner, Ms. Chiff. It seems that Theodore didn't know that boys shouldn't fight with girls. Girls don't follow The Marquess of Queensberry Rules.

  4. Way to go, Miss Chiff! I do love to see a good tussling match!

  5. No clear winner here so both are winners

  6. There is nothing more fun to watch than a pair of kittens playing. Well done Ms. Chiff. Get him when he's not looking. :)

  7. They are so adorable enjoying their smackdown!

  8. Ah! Bless! Tummy rubs, strokes, and XX's for
    the dynamic duo...! :O).
