Thursday, November 16, 2023

Re-arranging the Pieces in the Puzzle

Imogen is still having problems with Brazil, but we’ve hit upon a semi-solution. The bedroom has become Imogen’s safe-room. She rarely spends time on the kitchen cupboards or the micro-wave oven now. I started putting her in the bedroom (with the door open), and feeding her there. She quickly took to the idea of spending her time in the room. And I keep Brazil out.

As a result, Miss Silky seems much more relaxed. She is not always looking over her shoulder for Brazil. She sleeps on the bed, or on a cat-tree or even my chair, and usually eats her meals on the top of a bookcase. She looks out the window, and can have fresh air now and then, if it feels stuffy in the room.

The advantages to this are more than the obvious. All the other cats are allowed in the bedroom with the exception of Shimmer. As a result, Imogen has become more accustomed to the kittens. She will hiss at their proximity but do little else, and when they lie down near her, she doesn’t re-arrange herself to put distance between them and herself. Even Aurora is becoming a bit more acceptable. Last night, the two girls sniffed noses without so much as a growl.

The disadvantage to this situation is that Brazil is excluded from the bedroom. However, that is how it will have to be for the present. He has chased Imogen quite recently, and if he is near by, she is disturbed. But Brazil has the rest of the apartment in which to live, run and play, and he does. Furthermore, I do not physically force him out of the bedroom if he ventures in; I speak his name sternly and utter a verbal admonition. That is enough; he knows his boundaries, and he leaves. I don’t get angry with him for being where he shouldn’t. I am permitting him to stay in a little longer if I do find him there. Things won’t change otherwise. And he is more open to me, and braver with previously frightening situations (eg. noises in the corridor outside the apartment) than ever before, so I feel that the new arrangements are not affecting him badly.

During the day, when I am absent, the door to the bedroom is shut, with Imogen inside with all the necessities. Nine or ten hours away from the apartment is too long a period for Brazil’s temptation, and there may be trouble between him and Imogen ere I return. As well, though matters are improving with Auro, the latter still likes to lie in wait for Imogen and chase her. Her pursuit of Miss Silky is different than Brazil’s, and is definitely a kittenish game - but Imo doesn’t consider it thus, and so that too can lead to trouble.

For now, with seven cats, three of them kittens and four very active, this is as good a situation as can be. I fully expect things to improve, but I am patient, and won’t rush the cats, especially Imogen. The beasts have a way of letting me know when a new stage has been reached in their lives.


  1. I don't think anyone could do it better than you.

  2. I'm glad there's a workable solution for Imogen. She deserves some peace, a sanctuary, and it's great that you have been able to give her that.

  3. You are doing a wonderful job, don't forget that

  4. Replies
    1. We estimate that she is three and some; we placed her birthday in February, so she will be four years old in a few months.

  5. I think this is a wise solution to a difficult problem.

  6. It seems you have found a satisfactory solution for imogen, and one in which Brazil is learning his boundaries.

  7. It sounds like you've found a workable solution to the Imogen-Brazil problem. Hopefully in time they will learn to get along and separating them won't be necessary.

  8. It seems to me, you've come up with the best solution for now. I do hope as the youngsters mature, Imogen becomes annoyed with their antics. That she permits the kittens to sleep near her is positive.

  9. You put the puzzle pieces together quite nicely!

  10. You are a sort of cat whisperer! That seems like a win win kind of solution.

  11. Good work keeping everyone happy.
