Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Eating Event

A memory of Eric and Flynn, over at Two Devon Cats, depicted them in fervent training for a Synchronised Snoozing event of the Cat-o-lympics. It may have been that greatly missed pair who inspired the siblings in the Cosy Apartment to try Synchronised Eating.

To be honest, it’s hard to differentiate their training from the actual event. I feed Theodore and Miss Chiff in the bathroom initially, so that other cats can consume food without interruption. But their sequestration is only an excuse to keep them out of the way. Once the others are done, I release the brother and sister act; they shoot out of the bathroom straight to whichever bowl they see. By then those bowls are empty, and I have time to fill more dishes for another course. The siblings’ tastes keep changing (that’s the subject for another article, I think), but when they eat, they eat with determination.

Their big crowd-pleaser is when they switch. One will move to the other’s bowl, only for the other to take over from the one at the latter’s bowl. From above, it’s like watching an animated feline t’ai-chi-t’u.

However, they rarely finish at the same time, so one then assists the other in completing the meal. That’s when the referee intervenes and gives both of them more. This continues until they decide they are full. I am rarely so indulgent with the other cats, but Chiff and Theodore – and Aurora – are kittens, so they are allowed to eat as much as they want. Eventually all are sated.

After that, however, usually comes the playing event…


  1. Yeah well when there is more then one to feed we need to make sure they all get their fair share, because some will if the get the chance eat their brother's food or their sister's or anyone else's they can find.

  2. we wanna ree serve a seet at de cafe....we iz knot a loud two eat
    much....well, we DUE graze on kibble, but frank lee, me mackerull,
    eye haz been waitin YEERZ ta get a fresh lee cooked trout on me
    plate !! ♥♥♥

  3. Ahh...kittens - they always act like the food will disappear if they don't hurry up and eat it.

  4. I think this duo would be in the running for a medal!

  5. You continue to make my evenings with your articles. Loved this description. All true to the bone too I will wager! Still grinning here at the computer like the Cheshire cat!

  6. Lucky kittens, getting all they want and need. Love the synchronization of their meals.

  7. I do smell a Gold Medal in their future!

  8. Thanks for the mention of the boys. I am glad they inspired synchronisation and maybe one day Chiff and Theodore will be able to try for their own gold medal.

  9. That is cute how they chow down like that! An eating in motion event!
